Well I think I've finally figured out my spring order of chicks.

I don't know what to say... I've done some research on chicken paralysis and apart from Mareks and riboflavin deficiency nothing comes up

I've looked for treatments that could possibly help so if you are interested here's some stuff I found:


It's a difficult situation and feel for you and those poor chickens
Whatever you decide, cull of try and help, good luck!
yeah, at first I thought it was because they were hurting their back toe...which maybe it is a slipped tendon, but it didn't happen to either chick until they were 3 months old...I'll check them out again tomorrow and see what else it might be...but nothing is coming to me. As I said I did notice that when the first chick stopped limping that it's small back toe wasn't in back anymore...it was up on the side by the other toes...so that made him off balance, but now he is acting like he can barely walk again.
yeah, at first I thought it was because they were hurting their back toe...which maybe it is a slipped tendon, but it didn't happen to either chick until they were 3 months old...I'll check them out again tomorrow and see what else it might be...but nothing is coming to me. As I said I did notice that when the first chick stopped limping that it's small back toe wasn't in back anymore...it was up on the side by the other toes...so that made him off balance, but now he is acting like he can barely walk again.

Could you post pictures? You also might want to try posting your situation in the emergencies, diseases, inguries, and cures section.
I've got a post in the emergency section. I'll take pics tomorrow although there isn't a lot to see...perhaps I can get a video of them trying to walk...they look normal when they are sitting there...Because they aren't putting one leg out front and one behind...they just aren't walking right on the legs...it is like their legs just won't hold them right...but they are medium sized compared to the other chicks that are totally fine...
Maybe I keep them and they become named flop and flip...?Nah...there is definitely something wrong with them both...one more so than the other...
I just can't ignore that both chicks started with the same symptoms...one foot curled up walking on a balled up foot...
Well I went up today to take their pictures and feed them and change the water and I noticed that the chick that has been doing the worst is in fact laying there today with one foot forward and one foot back...so I guess that decides that...Sux, but apparently is so common that it will happen to you sometime during a poultry keeping experience. Poor chickens. I wonder if anymore will get sick, or perhaps they are more resistant than these 2 were/are.
I'm sorry to hear that
This is the hardest part about keeping chickens. Fighting and losing battles. Especially if you're like me who just won't give up. Hope this was a once-off and your chickens (and the new chicks) will do well for you and stay healthy.
Me too. I guess I just didn't know how very likely it was that my chickens would be afflicted with issues. I figured since I only have a few blah blah blah...but nope...now I am prepared to lose some chickens here and there, and it seems like that is a huge part of keeping chickens...knowing that they are fragile and that your time with them is closely measured.
I've loved and lost many chickens over the past 7 odd years and I've learned from the experience. Learned how to prevent disaster, learned not to underestimate predators, learned that a "dead" chick can sometimes, miraculously come back, learned from my stupid mistakes and learned to never say "never". Sometimes there just isn't anything you can do, but learn from the experience and move on. As horrible as some of my experiences have been I value the knowledge I gained from them. Chickens are fragile and the list of things that can go wrong with them is enough to bring a strong man to his knees, but with all the knowledge we have nowadays and modern medicines I believe we are winning.
We don't get too terribly attached to the chickens simply because they are all just future nuggets walking around out there..but I do not like for them to die in some other manner that I have no control over. And there are some that I could never kill, but I am going to try to not get too attached to any of them. Since I know in the beginning that their time is short..and possibly shorter still.

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