Well I'm trying....(Lost and Found cont)...


12 Years
Feb 2, 2007
North Jersey
Yeah the saga continues

Today I built the 'lost birds' a haybail coop......and honestly it really is a step (way) up from the bush and then cardboard/scrap wood shanty I put together to get them out of the sub zero temps we had and it's no picnic now either (presently 20 deg).....

Roost poll, double high bails, almost 4X8 in size....they poked around it as I put it together and I figured 'cool, these guys have the idea'....I packed the seams with hay and spread some on the bottom.....cozy

Then I took the old shanty apart and found six eggs....holey cow....the kids really got a kick out of that....I read they didn't lay in the Winter....I discarded them because I didn't know the age of the eggs and still don't know how healthy these guys are....

I spread some scratch around the new pad and threw some inside......

As darkness approached the birds ate and I sat in the kitchen, cracked a beer, and thought to myself 'life is good' while watching them through the sliders.....

Then they made their way to where the shanty use to be and stood in the open space....'ut oh'......

I went out with oatmeal and through some in the new Trump Plaza and made a little trail....I went back in to watch...they ate some and back to the shanty spot......

Then I went out with some left over white rice as it was getting dark(er) and tried again......NG...

Then I figured I'd try to shoo them in with a pole.....almost worked.....then they started running around with me in pursuit.....I finally gave up after they wedged thenselves under a bush....I didn't want to cause an injury while trying to do the 'right thing'.....

We are going to get bad weather tomorrow afternoon into Monday.....I'd like to get them into the new pad so they don't sleep out in that stuff (again)......

Any advice?
Go out after dark and get them then put them in the new place and keep them in there for 3-4 days before you let them out again. It may even take up to a week to get them used to the new place.
Mr.Dad, chickens don't like change. They will adapt to change but only after it is instilled into their daily habits. The problem here could be solved by providing decent shelter with a outside pen. While straw bales seem like the hilton, in reality it is temporary.

Time to get er done.

I agree with catching them at night and putting them in their new shelter and locking them in for a few days. It may also help to put their eggs in there. Or if you cannot retrieve them then put golf balls to make them think they are eggs and they might take that as their nest. hth.

I'll try the at night thing if I can't get them in there today....thanks...

PS.....I know I called it Trump Plaza but that was meant to add some humor to this.....yes it's another temporary coop but it is a step up....we have a lot going on right now which include getting our house ready to list.....I have rough plans for a coop that can be put to gether in sections so we can take it (and them) with us when we go....I just need the time to get that together......

In the mean time they are getting much better care than they were
I, for one, believe you're doing a wonderful thing by taking in these chickens. And the hay coop is a great idea considering the winter weather. The reason I said to catch them at night is because when they go to sleep they enter a sort of zombie state. It has to be really dark, though. When they are asleep they are much easier to handle and handling is far less stressful on them than chasing them around trying to catch them during the day. That's when I do any checking or medicating my birds might need. Good luck in selling your place. I went through that last year so I know where you're at there.

I agree with the night thing....

Also...I agree with the golfball thing--put them in the darkest, corner of your "coop"..and if you find more eggs, put them in there too. Throw some scratch in their new digs and get them to start hanging around there during the day. Since you have cold weather...I'd give them cracked corn or scratch in the evening...helps keep them warm all night. You might also put some water in there or right outside of there. Anything that gets them to stay around there as much as possible.

You might throw in some other extra good treats (such as little bits of meat----they go bonker for meat treats)...only give them treats next to their new digs.

Good luck
They're in....

This may sound nutz....this whole story probably makes me sound nutz in-fact....I've really driven my wife a little crazy over these chickens...but to me it's like finding a lost dog....and although I'm new to chickens I've had a few dogs....three of which we adopted.....

Two of them were trying to get in the house (at near dark)....I was cooking (pre cooking a new dish for my daughters first Bday party next weekend) and they jumped on the deck rail and started pecking at the window looking at me.....then they hung out up there and the snow started...they would close their eyes and open them on occasion but stayed.....

After we ate I went out and picked up the Rooster...I placed him in the coop and he made a little noise but no real fus.....then I did the same with the hen who was a little livelier at the time and the rooster made a little more noise as I approached....I got them both in and closed it up with a piece of board.....

I then searched the yard for the other one...under the bushes....under the boat (they like to scratch up under there)... I started to think that's why they tried to get inside...there must have been trouble and the other hen may have met a hawk etc
.....I lifted the roof of Trump Plaza and there she was...snugged down in the hay
.....the other two were at the door but they'll get the idea......

Thanks for the idea about darkness....and thanks again for listening....they are really taking to us...they slept on the deck like dogs this afternoon...one laying next to the rooster with it's head against his body....the other hen all stretched out.....

They don't run from us anymore...and seem to talk softly to each other when we are out back with them....

Chickens are really cool

And so are chicken people

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