Well, It's Official. We're Now In a Depression

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You now what..Hubby was mad because all the chicks I was hatching out..He told me 1 month ago get rid of all.I didn't listen
But now he happy I didn't..He say's now we have something to trade for soaps,wheat,corn etc...Because It's going to get that bad...Back to the old days"my father say's"Luckly I'm a country Girl...LOL

All Ya'll Hang in there,
Yes, I'm wondering what news channel said we are 100% in a depression-probably Fox

I tend to agree with what cheeptrick is saying (nice name btw). I'm not sure we won't end up in a depression before it is over, but I don't think we're there yet.
i dont think they know what to call what is going on. i just know times are tough and it can be scary. but i trust in God to see us through.

I think technically to be in a "depression" the DOW has to lose another 20%. But based on how things are going right now that seems plausible. I too am expanding the garden and looking to add more birds to the flock. We already can, dehydrate, brine, freeze; anything to preserve the harvest. I have always been a proponent of "food not lawns", I think if we dip much deeper the front yard is going to be another garden bed.

Thank You, Lord for the bountiful harvest you gave us this Summer. We have a freezer full of food. I think I may but canned goods to supplement,just in case. I'm thankful for my hens and even these little roos. I have several in the frreezer and even more growing. We don't use credit cards and as long as we can continue to meet our basic needs,we will be o.k. I'm thinking that my longevity check I get at the end of the month may go into a fruit jar.
we are not really in a depression ..... there is alot of people out of work but there is still lots of people working. my grandparents went thru the depression and the stories they share are very sad and we aer not near that yet
You know if we are in a Depression the people in Misissippi did not know it. I went to the small town of Canton Ms. to Fleamarket they have 2 times a year and and their were at least 40,000 people who showed up and were paying 5 to 15 dollars to park, then 5 dollars for lemonade to drink and I saw no lack of buying things that are not essential to life. Somebody might need to send a news flash tothem. I then went to HobbyLobby and you could hardly walk for all the people in the store.
well...I've always been scared of some sort of disaster. Starting at 911. Then after 911 there were all the pandemic scares. I watch a lot of scary movies that don't help. I have been pushing for the chickens and goats and soon a few sheep. My husband sort of patted me on the head in a "isn't she cute" sort of way when I would go off on my tangent about being as self sufficient (food wise) as possible in case of an X, Y, or Z situation. NOW he's right behind me. Told me he was on boat with me all the way. 'Cept now he wants a pig (and I don't! shewy!) But we have our 14 little chicks in the brooder in the shed. We have our incuabtor now. We have our 4 laying hens, and one roo. One rogue hen across the street at my mothers who's trying to hatch out some eggs. (she's also our hen but got loose from us and we have had trouble getting her back.)

So we plan on incubating our eggs. Having meat chickens, meat goats, meat sheep, and we are even talking about a miniature black angus cow. I'll have to barter my eggs for potatoes I guess since I am not growing any.

I think that for many of us....it doesn't matter if it's a depression or a really bad recession...we're still going to feel the brunt of it. Nobody taking US out to resorts on borrowed tax payer money. OHHH NOOO! Many of us won't even be able to go on our normal vacations.

Sorry...started to rant
My husband and I are actually talking about getting a couple of cornish types for eating but I'm having a difficult time thinking I could do it. Though I know its perfectly acceptable and thats how I get my store bought chicken. I have the upmost respect for individuals that can do it. I like how someone said somewhere else on BYC that when we raise them we know they were well taken care of and have a goodlife unlike the store bought types.
Didn't you know that Hobby Lobby is good therapy?

I miss Hobby Lobby - moved last year - closest one is about 2 hours away - the withdrawls are getting better, but they aren't gone.

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