Well, she is a rooster...

Welcome! He's very handsome, and if he's polite to humans and the pullet, I'd get more pullets and enjoy having a very cute cockerel.
This is an enabling site, don't expect a lot of advice to shrink your flock! More is good, as long as it's legal where you are, and there's good housing for them.

YOU GOT THAT RIGHT! Enabler here! I absolutely recommend you pick up at least a dozen more pullets. :wee

Oddly, we had the opposite issue. Townline Hatcheries shipped us one extra Ameraucana, and we called it Dude. It was always a little different from all the others--bossier, a little bigger, etc. But it turned out that Dude laid eggs. Cue Aerosmith: Dude was a lady! :ya
My daughter received 2 chicks from a friend in March, bought at TSC. Both sex-link pullets. A Golden comet (Nugget) and a Sapphire Gem (Smokey).
They are both thriving and loving the backyard life.
Smokey surprised us, and is a cockerel.
So, we have 1 of each. They are inseparable.
How do I handle having one pullet for one cockerel?
Can it be done and maintain Nugget's well being?View attachment 1430126
Love that picture! So nice and clear and very cute birds...:thumbsup
That can't be a true Sapphire Gem - somebody messed up somewhere. Sapphire gems are 'black' sex links, just blue in color. A male Sapphire Gem would be barred.

But he's definitely a cockerel. He's just not a Sapphire Gem.

Unfortunately a one to one ratio is unlikely to work well. You'll want to get more pullets or rehome him and get another pullet.

Ugh. Such a hard decision. I have a small coop and run that will fit 4 or 5. I let them free range most of the day. I have read sometimes 3 or 4 pullets. That "perfect ratio" for me just isn't possible.

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