Well, we let our guard down, and paid the price.

oh man NP ~ I just saw this! (((hugs))) I am so sorry for your loss!! I think you are taking it all very responsibly! This too shall pass ~ I'm right there with you on the ~at least they ate the chickens~ instead of leaving bloody carnage & waste all over. I hate the waste as well.
Here's hoping your remaining chickens make it through ~ And your poodles do too, lol.

I used to have a beautiful white standard, but he was so miserable in our little in-town yard, we finally gave him to a family that lived out in the country, and he loves it so there. Poodles are very intelligent dogs... you'll likely have to keep a very close eye on them from here on out, especially since they know where & how to find that lovely fast food chicken now. They'll file that nice tidbit of info away for future use, when you aren't looking ( they ARE crafty that way, lol).

I once had 5 trays of chocolates sitting on the counter... it was 2 am, I had stayed up all night, getting orders ready, and decided to run something up stairs ~ that darn stinker KNEW I had goodies up there, and decided to investigate. In the literally 2.5 minutes it took me to run up & put away the towels, & run back down, he had gobbled up nearly EVERY chocolate on the trays, ( & these are the really big trays!, over 300 pieces!!), paper, foil, plastic wrappers, & all ~
All I could do was sit down & cry!! I was so mad at myself, & the darn dog...mostly at myself, then at the dog again, lol ~ finally, I just had to get back up, and make some more..... what else was there left to do? And he never did get sick. Gut of iron, that dog had. Little turd. ;-D
I am so sorry for your losses.
On another thread, someone lost their chicken to a neighbors dog.
They took eggs that had been in the refrigerator for two or three days and set them in the incubator and got some hatches, I believe you should be able to get a good hatch from your eggs that have been on the counter.
Im so sorry about your chickens!!
Let us know how the eggs do please!
I'm also so sorry to hear about this. I have lost four chickens to the neighbors' dog. My chickens are competely dog-accustomed because they free-range with my dog in the yard. He will even sit out with them and share the scraps I toss to them. So, boy did I feel guilty when the other dog killed them!
I also found some breeds are smarter and more wary than others. The cochins are an easy meal, so sweet and friendly. The wilder bantam mixes and the Blue Andalusian are fast and smart. The EE and the Buffs are too slow.
I hope you have found more of your girls by now.

Bad Dogs!
Sorry to jump post OP but on the subject of dogs and chicks....I have a 4 year old Cockapoo that LOVES our chickens and ducks. She is so in love with them that the dingbat came in with milk at the sound of chicks chirping in the living room when we starte incubating and hatching. It has been 4 weeks since this started. This is the same dog that came into milk with a small kitten we saved a few years back. The kitten all of a sudden quit eating and we were going to take it to the vet for help but figured out why, the dog came into milk and was nursing the kitten. She has never been bred. She nursed it to weaning.

Anyway, she would not leave the ICU brooder in the living room and somehow she got the lid off and got out a baby chick (we had already noticed the chick had passed away, but had not gotten to that brooder to clean it all up). She carried it to me in her mouth gently and dropped it on the floor in front of me and looked at me like "hey ding dong! Did you not notice that one of my babies is dead!" She was wagging her tail like "did i do good?"

I agree you should not let your guard down but they can be sweet and caring too!

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