Welsh Harlequin Breeding Thread - People who are breeding or want to breed their WH's talk

I have one pair of WH, a silver drake and a gold duck. Recently mamma was broody and hatched a dozen.

My girl is too light without enough fawn, but I have a trio that hatched in Jan and those girls look like they will have plenty of color. I'm only keeping one tho. I didn't realize ducks would be so easy..... I've had several incubator hatches with 90-100% success, and now this batch, have them coming out my ears and now the Muscovy is sitting on a second clutch too.
New at hatching duck eggs, I have 7 WH ducks laying here with a very nice drake taking care of them (I'll post some pics soon) my question concerns incubation. I've hatched a few hundred chicks this year but know the requirements for ducks are a little different.

I use an older 1202 Sportsman,,,,, what is the preferred humidity during the incubation stage and the hatching phase?

any help much appreciated

thanks in advance

Dan B
New at hatching duck eggs, I have 7 WH ducks laying here with a very nice drake taking care of them (I'll post some pics soon) my question concerns incubation. I've hatched a few hundred chicks this year but know the requirements for ducks are a little different.

I use an older 1202 Sportsman,,,,, what is the preferred humidity during the incubation stage and the hatching phase?

any help much appreciated

thanks in advance

Dan B
exact same dry hatch method, with high humidity during the last few days for hatching. I have been having 90-100% hatches on WH this year running 20-30% humidity first 3 weeks, then up it to about 35/40 at the beginning of the 4th week, up to 65% as soon as I see the first pip. This has been working for me.
What kind of incubator do you use? Just curious. Thanks!
I have a vintage redwood, about a 300 egger if I really packed them in there. The last owner bypassed the original wafer thermostats and put in a GQF electronic one. It holds perfect at 99 unless it runs completely dry, then the humidity drops to about 10% and the temp slowly creeps upward. But not usually past 101 for a short time before I notice and fill the water pan.

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