Welsh Harlequin Breeding Thread - People who are breeding or want to breed their WH's talk

Put the hen in with the muscovy pair. It will help her. Keep her there till one of you drakes are gone. Then put her back. Either that, or put the muscovy hen in with the WH hen, and keep all 3 drakes together... Just ideas lol
All of my ducks run together right now. I am taking a drake to a friends tomorrow so that will help her out a bunch. Thanks for all the suggestions. Anyone else have comments on their picture and their quality? I am new and have no clue! Thanks!
Oh, I see. So he isnt gonna eat the drake? Just keep him for a while?

What you want in a drake,.is a long body, orange legs and feet, greenish yellow bill, green head, white collar that is even all the way around. You want to look for a drake that has his legs spaced apart well. He should stand not up like a runner, but not forward like a pekin, In the middle. his chest should be brown, and so should his shoulders, his back should be gray like, with some almost kinda white lacing. And his but should be cole black.

Cant really explain the hen very well, let me pull up a pic of a SQ hen and drake. So you can judge them yourself... 1 moment.. let me get some pictures quick...
No my friend won't eat the drake. He is going to keep him for me till I can get some more hens. I need 3 more hens. Thanks for complimenting them.. I really love em they are sweet and beautiful. They came from a breeder in Omaha but don't know any more then that.

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