Welsh Harlequin

Hi All,

My wife and I recently rescued two ducklings that were found in a cardboard box at the grocery store. We have had them 11 days and we think they were about 2 days old when we found them. So, they are about 2 weeks old.

Sarah is definitely a magpie duck, but Lucy is a mystery duck. We have asked around and most people seem to think she is a buff. But, I don't know. Her feet are pretty dark, and the buffs seem to have orange feet. She is also growing like mad and her growth is outpacing the magpie. Lucy is a little bit bigger than Sarah, but quite heavier.

Anyway, besides a buff, the one possibility I would be really excited about would be a Welsh Harlequin. Would you please check out these photos and see if you think she could be a WH? She has a small crest on the side of her head. I suppose it is also possible that she is a he, but we trained up on the sexing and tried to do a good job of it.

Thanks Much!

Hi All, My wife and I recently rescued two ducklings that were found in a cardboard box at the grocery store. We have had them 11 days and we think they were about 2 days old when we found them. So, they are about 2 weeks old. Sarah is definitely a magpie duck, but Lucy is a mystery duck. We have asked around and most people seem to think she is a buff. But, I don't know. Her feet are pretty dark, and the buffs seem to have orange feet. She is also growing like mad and her growth is outpacing the magpie. Lucy is a little bit bigger than Sarah, but quite heavier. Anyway, besides a buff, the one possibility I would be really excited about would be a Welsh Harlequin. Would you please check out these photos and see if you think she could be a WH? She has a small crest on the side of her head. I suppose it is also possible that she is a he, but we trained up on the sexing and tried to do a good job of it. Thanks Much!
I'm not sure but whatever they are they are cute!! I don't see how folks could just dump ducklings like that
I just realized I talked about her feet but you can't see her feet in any of those photos. Here's one from the day we brought them home. Keep in mind this was less than two weeks ago!


This is one of my welsh harlequin girls at 7 weeks old. She is much darker than my other girls and any pictures I've seen. Is this a unusual color? Is it common for them to be so dark?

Here are my others for comparison.



This is one of my welsh harlequin girls at 7 weeks old. She is much darker than my other girls and any pictures I've seen. Is this a unusual color? Is it common for them to be so dark?

Here are my others for comparison.


don't be surprised if after her first molt she looks completely different! You also have to remember this breed originates from the khaki Campbell line of ducks so a hen could be as dark as a khaki Campbell def would not be sop I personally am breeding for the lightest colored female possible trying to remove as much brown from them as I can

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