Welsh Harlequin

Well, I think I have just about convinced hubby that adding some WH's to our zoo (2dogs, 2 cats, 4 koi, and a few bettas) should be done. Will be my first foray into having birds of any kind, and I have always loved duckies. I really like the thought of having fresh eggs and am just not that fond of chickens (sorry all chicken lovers!) Ducks just make me smile and laugh every time I watch them :) Hoping to find some ducklings local, but will probably order from a hatchery. Not ready to try hatching eggs yet lol!
@nayeli So true about charging admission! All the neighborhood kids loving to come over to hang with the furries, have the koi nibble on their fingers, and chase frogs, toads around. Having ducks will just add to the amusement I am sure. Too bad I can't persuade any of them to help with the daily upkeep chores

Of course, all these pets are MY idea, not hubbies he just sort puts up with them

Our WH swimmjng in the creek for the first time. We picked two hens and a drake to keep but couldn't sell all the rest from holderread. Still have 3 extra. Hoping to find homes soon.
Quote: Everyone in my house is agreed it's a bobcat. We've had coyotes here for YEARS, and they have never bothered anyone's small backyard pets. But the bobcats only started showing up recently, and these past couple of months, a lot of peoples' smaller pets are starting to go missing. I've started locking the ducks in the run and keeping the window open(the run is literally right next to my window). If anything goes back there, Lobo will hear it, and he will get it. This is Texas, so I'm pretty sure I'm legally allowed to shoot anything on my property that's causing damage to my property(including livestock). I'm just not sure if bobcats are on the protected list or not. I know eagles are, but we only see one or two a year, and never very close to the neighborhoods.

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