Welsummer 4-5 weeks old


Nov 28, 2015
Missoula, MT
Hello all!

I have a few chicks that I'm raising right now. They all are within 4-5 weeks old or so and bought from a local feed store. I'm hoping to get input as to whether this Welsummer is showing signs of being a pullet or a cockerel. (It was purchased sexed as a pullet; the store's supplier is Murray McMurray Hatchery).

Is this Lucy or Lucus?

brown breast feathers.jpg

hackle feathers coming in.jpg

tail feathers.jpg

light orange comb.jpg

As time goes on, I'll post updates!
Thanks everyone! I may need to start planning what some next steps might be for this little one...

Would you all say its common for stores/hatchery's to sell a certain type of chicken under the guise of another name/type?

Also, what signs are showing this as a cockerel?
Thanks everyone! I may need to start planning what some next steps might be for this little one...

Would you all say its common for stores/hatchery's to sell a certain type of chicken under the guise of another name/type?

Also, what signs are showing this as a cockerel?
Feed stores get chicks mixed up all the time, especially if they allow customers to reach into the bins and handle chicks. Chicks get picked up and then put back into the wrong bins.
Now with ordering directly from a hatchery, sometimes mix ups happen but it's rare. Usually, if a hatchery doesn't have enough chicks of a specific breed hatch, they may substitute a few chicks of a different breed. Such substitutions are usually specified on the invoice or packing slip.
The comb and wattle development are the biggest indicators at this point, especially considering that the chick still isn't even completely feathered in yet. Females don't start to turn red in the comb till they are nearing laying age. A chick that is barely a month old is nowhere near being ready to lay.
Thanks, junebuggena, for the info/detail! Much appreciated.

So far the store, Murdoch's in western Montana, has been spot on with previous chicks/pullets (and it seems the others with 'Lucas'). The comb was always kind-of barely there even as a several day old. Didn't know what that had meant.

I'll keep posting a couple of photos here and there as the weeks go on. It might be useful info/pics for someone else in the future.

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