Welsummer roo or pullet


In the Brooder
Feb 5, 2017
Can anyone tell me if this welsummer is a pullet or a rooster. Thought it was a pullet by the markings but it has developed a comb and has darker chest color. The comb is not Pink. It's 3.5 weeks old.
This is our first time owning chickens and I can't have a rooster where I live.
Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the input. We've really grown attached to her. You're the first ones to say you think it's a pullet. I hope so. I'd hate to give her up. The comb and some black spots on the chest had us worried.
We have a welsummer pullet and I am trying to find someone else who does, do you have a current photo of her/him now? Just curious, would like to compare to mine :)

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