I love my Welsummers, but my rooster got eaten by something (fixing that situation) so I can't breed for more like I'd planned this summer and I am down to 2 Welsummer hens. I also have 2 Ameraucanas and 1 Buff Orpington. So, I tried to order 10 more Welsummers through a local hatchery and they just cancelled my order. So, should I keep searching out Welsummers? I really need a grown rooster ASAP. Or should I switch to BO's which seem to be easier to find. I like the Buff Orpingtons too, but am concerned that they will get picked on by the others - my one is definitely bottom of the pecking order. Or, should I switch to another breed completely??? I know there is no correct answer to this, just wanting opinions and insight. I really LOVE my Wellies!
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