Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

I am a newbie and this is gross! BUT-I needed to see these pictures so that I will know what's wrong if my hens ever fall victim to these diseases. As gross as they are I appreciate you taking the time to show us and educate us while going through this tough time. Thank u very much Kathy and I hope the rest of your girls pull through!
Hen #6

This hen's warts are different than the others as they appear to have pus in them and they were not drying out, so off they came.

Before removal.

Inside of mouth before pus removal.

Pus removed from roof of mouth.

After removal of scabs/growths and application of iodine

This side still needs more work.

After removal of pus/plaque and application of iodine.

De-worming orally with Safeguard liquid (fenbendazole 10%)

Various pics of scabs and pus.

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Would antibiotic eye drops make any difference in saving the eye? You would have to instill after pus removed to even get to the eye. I don't think it would hurt and could only help. I need to read up on the pox. Nasty illness. Lynn Marie
Wow Kathy!!! They got it pretty bad. Poor babies. I feel your pain and the pain of your hens. Good job caring for them. I know from experience the time, patience and dedication that it takes.

As stated, most people would cull but I couldn't do that. It was a challenge in trying to save them.

As far as the eye drops scooter16, I would like to think that it would help. From 2 people who have first hand experience with this, I think we can document for the record that there is a high possibility of loss of an eye. One of my turkeys lost her eye. But I will take an eye loss over a death.

I wonder if it is safe to say that all young birds should be vaccinated with the pox vaccine before putting them outside. Or else your birds may look like tthese.
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Would antibiotic eye drops make any difference in saving the eye? You would have to instill after pus removed to even get to the eye. I don't think it would hurt and could only help. I need to read up on the pox. Nasty illness. Lynn Marie

Thanks for the suggestion, I have ointment, so I might try that!
Wow Kathy!!! They got it pretty bad. Poor babies. I feel your pain and the pain of your hens. Good job caring for them. I know from experience the time, patience and dedication that it takes.

As stated, most people would cull but I couldn't do that. It was a challenge in trying to save them.

As far as the eye drops scooter16, I would like to think that it would help. From 2 people who have first hand experience with this, I think we can document for the record that there is a high possibility of loss of an eye. One of my turkeys lost her eye. But I will take an eye loss over a death.

I wonder if it is safe to say that all young birds should be vaccinated with the pox vaccine before putting them outside. Or else your birds may look like tthese.
I really wish I had vaccinated them, Here is a link that someone found, they said it was the least expensive and shipping was free.


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