Wet bedding caused move to larger brooder.


9 Years
Mar 18, 2010
Central Virginia
New chicken mom here with a little delema. I got home from work today to find all of my chicks bedding sopping wet. They are hatchery chicks about a week old. The wood chips caused some sort of wicking action from their waterer. It is 90 degrees out today so took them out to the chicken tractor for some time in the grass (which they loved after about 5 min of getting used to the new feeling) to make their home tidy. I decided to put them in a kiddie pool surrounded by cardboard so they cant get out, and put in a new waterer that has higher sides. Now my challenge. With the much larger space, their incubator temp is a little harder to regulate. I have lowered the light to about 16 inches from the bedding and the temp is about 85 degrees. They seem to be bunching up a bit with a few seeming to be comfortable outside of the group. I dont think I should lower the heat light any more, but I so want them to do well!!! Any feedback would be great
I keep my light about 18 inches above the bedding.... but my friends keep their light about 7 inches above straw bedding and so far no fires... I would lower it if I were you and maybe check a few times to see how hot the bedding is getting.
Thanks for replies. They are better now, scratching around their new home and more active. I think they were a bit chilled, and tired from their trip outside
A 250 Watt Bulb really needs to be that close? Even in a room that is 60 degrees?(basement) I would have thought that a 250W Heat Bulb would create much more heat.
I have one coming from TSC that is the Infrared 250W. How close do you think I will need to put that to get the temp to 95 degrees at the outset?
I need to figure out my rigging...
I think the kiddie pool and surroundings didnt have a chance to warm up enough before I put the chicks in. After about 2 hours I was able to move the light to about 24 inches and it is a comfortable 89 at the floor. Just took a while for everything to adjust. Now the little babies are running around the kiddie pool having a blast. They love having more space and their personalities are comming out. I have one very curious BR. Always the first to check things out. Just cant wait to see how they are when they are bigger.

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