Wet bedding

My calls were swimming this AM, we were well below freezing, it was a -15C windchill, we had to de-ice the 40GAL, they stayed outside all day and were in/out of the water. They are darn tough, i will say with absolute confidence they are cold hardy. I feed a staple feed, toss some scratch and move them in at night... not a single darn thing wrong with them. Their house is pretty big, but well bedded and vented.

I would have taken a pic of them bobbing with the ice but my cell dies in the cold lol Their small size makes people think they are weaker, not in the least, they are direct descendants of mallards, don't know about your area but 'round here they(mallards) are all over the rivers and lakes, swimming and so forth.
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Beautiful flock Pasha, are they able to go out at all in winter or too bitter?

I don`t know, another people (here, in Rusia) tell that is normal when the geeses walk on the snow, but i thing that this is not goot - it`s too cold. The snow are everywhere now. My chickens, ducks and turkey are in one house where are the heating, but the geeses live now widthout heating. On the street are the frost, but maybe the geeses are warm - on the water aren`t any ice, only sometimes. If there begin to be ice i bring new water. My geeses don`t walk on the snow. Next summer i want to done a big building where will live all my fowl and i want tu buy 3 goats (one boy and two girl), and i think about one piglet. Here the piglets and young goat are cheap, i will not have any problem.

The room where live 15 geeeses are too little, but i can`t do anything another in the winter. Every day i bring to there a grass and one-two cuted cabbage. And of course there always are the grain and some chalk.

I have 3 another geeses, but they are not very big and live now width the ducks. They was width the ducks in one incubator, i buy it all in one place. They was 2 days old.

(I had to look it up . I don't know much Russian, and can speak a few words but don't write it without help)
I can speack english, but sometimes i look at the dictionary. I think in this winter i will go to big book shops in the Moscow (i go to buy the books 1-2 times in the year, i buy much books, do that in the winter, because in the summer i begin to be too busy), and i want to buy one english dictionary where are the words about chickens, pigs, farms... (one special dictionary). It will be better as the dictionary what i have now )))
Russian letters and language are not easy! For example, i remember the time when i studied japanese language (it was no work, it was only my hobby), and i think that it is not easy to know another letters.
I don`t know, another people (here, in Rusia) tell that is normal when the geeses walk on the snow, but i thing that this is not goot - it`s too cold. The snow are everywhere now. My chickens, ducks and turkey are in one house where are the heating, but the geeses live now widthout heating. On the street are the frost, but maybe the geeses are warm - on the water aren`t any ice, only sometimes. If there begin to be ice i bring new water. My geeses don`t walk on the snow. Next summer i want to done a big building where will live all my fowl and i want tu buy 3 goats (one boy and two girl), and i think about one piglet. Here the piglets and young goat are cheap, i will not have any problem.

The room where live 15 geeeses are too little, but i can`t do anything another in the winter. Every day i bring to there a grass and one-two cuted cabbage. And of course there always are the grain and some chalk.

I have 3 another geeses, but they are not very big and live now width the ducks. They was width the ducks in one incubator, i buy it all in one place. They was 2 days old.
My geese and ducks prefer to be outside even when there is snow and ice, of course some parts of the world it gets much colder than we are here in NC,USA and might not be feasible to let them out, have you ever gave them and option to see if they would go out? I know on days when it's very cold they lay around on their feet a lot.
Goats and piglets wow that will be cool, do you want dairy goats for milk, cheese etc?
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I can speack english, but sometimes i look at the dictionary. I think in this winter i will go to big book shops in the Moscow (i go to buy the books 1-2 times in the year, i buy much books, do that in the winter, because in the summer i begin to be too busy), and i want to buy one english dictionary where are the words about chickens, pigs, farms... (one special dictionary). It will be better as the dictionary what i have now )))
Russian letters and language are not easy! For example, i remember the time when i studied japanese language (it was no work, it was only my hobby), and i think that it is not easy to know another letters.
Pascha838, very good English! A coworker years ago taught me some phrases, and the phrase for beautiful was one of them.

Добро пожаловать!
My geese and ducks prefer to be outside even when there is snow and ice, of course some parts of the world it gets much colder than we are here in NC,USA and might not be feasible to let them out, have you ever gave them and option to see if they would go out? I know on days when it's very cold they lay around on their feet a lot.
Goats and piglets wow that will be cool, do you want dairy goats for milk, cheese etc?

Yes, and i have seen in the nearest towns in the marcets nice goats.

In this summer my fowl walked everywhere, only the chickens returnet at the room. The geeses, ducks and turkey slept in every garden. In the autumn it was not easy to catch all the fowl! ))) Fist time when the weather begin to be cold they lived here, this is a place where in the summer was the cucumbers:

There was 7 my geeses and 8 new geeses of my neighbour (i buy it). But i used one little wall because they no was a friends. After one month i taked the wall, and the geeses begin to be together. It was cold yet, in the street was a fist snow. I waited 3 days, and after that taked all the geeses and get them to the room where they are now. There aren`t any conflicts, i hope when i give them a "freedom" (a freedom to walk in my garden again) they will walk together. I don`t know now who are "boy" and who are "girl", but i hope to have some pairs and to have a eggs and new little geeses. Next time in this winter (in next year 2014) i will go to buy one or two little incubators. And of course i will buy more geeses, because 18 geeses (7+8+3) is not enough. I don`t have too much place, but enough for begin.

Here are my another fowl. In this place is not cold, here i have one little stove, thats enough for heating.

I did this video for one little russian forum, it was a joke, i speaked there width one duck. This is a very funny duck, if i begin to speak, she begin to answer very loud. And if i will not stop this duck begin cry louder and louder, and all my neighbour can hear it )))
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I have some very talkative ducks. Zehn was our spokesduck for the first year. That is like a spokesperson, but a duck instead of a person.


She would always call if she could not see me.

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