We've decided on Jersey Buff Turkeys! New Pics pg6

Wild game feed is what you will find in bagged feed, very seldom is it list as turkey feed. Some times its a seperate starter or a starter grower. A 22 to 24% wild game starter as bagged feed will work for a heritage breed of turkeys. Using a Genaric vaitimin that is added to the water is really helpful from day one. A bagged wild game feed has small grit in it, but after the first three weeks it's helpful to provide grit. As they get larger the grit needs to be larger.

We used a 22% game bird stater/grower for Great Whites, BB bronze, Blue slate, and red bourbons. The only losses and problems we had was with the Great white and BB bronze.

Don't give them any extra calcium, such as oyster shells unless you give them the viatamins. They need extra trace minerals to process the calcium correctly

A turkeys chicks eye sight is not very good the first week or so. So it best to place them on a paper towels or an old blanket for the first week before placing them on regular litter. Splinkle the feed on the floor of the brooder, but have a chick feed there also with food.

Its also a good Idea to dip there beaks into the water so they know where it's at.

If you use chick waters, place some larger stones in it so they can't fall in and drown.

The imune system of a young turkey does not develop as quickly as a chickens. It can take up to 7 weeks. So you need to consider that before you place them outside, or bringing in grass from them.
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Well.. i candled "turkey" last night, our lone turkey, and he's still kickin & growing. He moves to hatch position on Monday. One monday I will candle the 2nd batch of eggs to see if there are any more turkeys coming the following week.

I sure hope lone turkey has at LEAST 1 friend for the winter....
Well.. today is off to the hatcher for "Ranger" our lone turkey! I candled quickly on his way to the hatcher and he looks great still! I carefully positioned the aircell upwards and now we wait....

WHILE I had the incubator open I candled the rest of the remaining turkey eggs, due to hatch NEXT week and... Ranger has 3 friends!!!

That's right... out of the remaining eggs, there are 3 more developing turkeys! Hooray, Yippee, THANK THE TURKEY GODS because I was really starting to worry for "Ranger" poor thing.

Now in summary, I spent a bundle on 4 turkeys this year and next year and for anyone else... seriously, I would recommend sucking it up and buying poults, not eggs to hatch. Which is exactly what I'll end up doing in the spring probably.

Now... is it too much to ask here for my 4 turkesy to be a male & 3 girls?
I start my turkey just like peachicks. Use suger water first day, use red base water. Feed a medicated 24% stater first few days break up boil egg yolk over the feed. They like the color red and the yellow yolks.
Keep them on wire bottem pens for 10 weeks. Then move them to the ground.
Good luck with your hatch!!

I only raise the Heritage breed, like hatching my own. Shipped eggs if you get 50% hatch that a good hatch. Dont know why ,but turkey and peafowl eggs dont do well when shipped.
Thank you deerman for the tips. I have a 26% turkey starter from purina mills ready and waiting for my new heritage turkeys!
I'm nearly finished with the brooder with a wire floor and a plywood area for relief.. here's the last pic I took..

This will connect to a sunporch and since I'll only have 4 turkeys, I may just outfit them to live here in the brooder/sunporch for their first winter, so I can keep them close by as they will be young 4 months when the cold hits and much too young to protect themselves against hungry winter predators here.
Well.. Ranger, our Lone Turkey has died before hatching. I picked up the egg today to see what was taking him so long, and found that he had pipped on the bottom and as I peeled open his egg... I found he was also backwards in the shell.. breech you know.

I just finished crying, because it's so sad.. only 1 turkey egg developed, he was fully grown, yolk absorbed and looked like he should've been perfect. 28 days.. and nothing.. no turkey
Dawn sorry you lost the poult.

Hint on setting shipped eggs. Let them set large end up overnight . The air cell need to be at the large end. The chick pip into the air cell first. If the egg had not been turn when stored the yolk will stick to the egg. So the chick can NOT turn to hatch.

Better luck on the next batch.

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