We've Moved! Dad's Nervous *of course PICS*!


13 Years
Apr 27, 2011
Capital District, NY
Well - I put in the extra windows for more ventilation - covered them with hardware cloth. It's a concrete floor so nothing is digging in (covered with 5" of shavings).

They were hatched 4/23/11 - and already outgrowing their 15 sq ft brooder. So now they have 136 sq ft - about 11.3 sq ft each. They have their roosts, they have their old feeder (and the new hanging one) and their old 1 gallon waterer. Going to *try* to leave them in there undisturbed till tomorrow morning. This is going to be hard. Tell me not to freak out!!!


Help we feel so small and insignificant:

Hey! Dad! Shut the door on the way out we think we saw a cat while you were carrying us over here!!


You'll notice I made a 2x4 "ramp" going up the to the roost. I wasn't sure if they could flutter up that far....or if they'd even want to. And seeing the pics makes me realize I forgot to put the sand in the dust bath in the corner across from the roost. Now I have to run back out there (more like now I have an excuse!). It's high 80s in the day and mid to high sixties at night for at least the next 10 days. By then I think they'll be fine.
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Ah! I went out there and they're eating and just hanging around the feed/water. I sneezed and they hit the deck and flattened out

My poor little peepers!!
That's funny, reminds of the first day mine went out to their coop, about the same age as yours. I was squatting down handing out some treats, happened to sneeze, they all shot underneath me to hide as if I was a hen!
Glad I didn't loose my balance!
That's funny, reminds of the first day mine went out to their coop, about the same age as yours. I was squatting down handing out some treats, happened to sneeze, they all shot underneath me to hide as if I was a hen!
Glad I didn't loose my balance!

Cute story!

To the OP: Awesome setup!
Very nice little place for them! They look super content! As far as the ramp... won't that be too slippery for them and you can risk leg issues? I am a newb to all this, but I thought slippery was not good for them...
You could just put an easy-to-clean foot stool just below the roost and they could hop/fly up. Mine are only 2 weeks old and already almost hopping/flying 2 feet. Acrobatics!
Maybe I will try the foot stool idea. I'm so nervous!!
I just went and looked in one of the windows - they are laying down in a nice little row all flattened out (dusk here no direct sunlight going inside for them now). They aren't on the roost - but they seem okay....they didn't have access to a roost in their brooder so I guess it will take a while for them to figure it out.

I really can't wait till the first couple of nights go bye, then I can relax a little. I'm sure I'm the only one stressed about it
they seem fairly content. Hopefully in the morning they'll explore things a little more. I'm going to bring out a folding chair and sit in there for a while with them and offer them some worms and oatmeal. Either way I hope they'll be okay.

I momentarily panicked wondering what would happen if a raccoon or weasel wanted to get in. But then I reassured myself that they can't jump four feet in the air, grip smooth stainless steel (which is what the outside is) and pull themselves up to a window ledge, gnaw through screen to get to the hardware cloth and then get my chickies.

I never thought I would be such a worry wart!
So I couldn't resist I went back out to check again - it's nearly dark. They are all still lined up nicely and laying down. This is the first time they've gone without light before.

I hope they won't be terrified all night.

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