What’s in your chicken first aid kit?! 🐓


Dec 3, 2020
I’m newish to keeping chickens (coming up to a year) and I’d love to know what is in your chicken first aid kit! I’m based in the UK so there may be some medication you can get in the US that I can’t get here but I can of course Google and try to find an alternative! I’ve been collecting things as my chickens get into scrapes and mischief! I currently have:

Vet wrap
Purple antibacterial spray
Chicken vitamins for drinking water
Worming powder
Coccidiosis liquid medicine for water
Magnesium sulphate ointment
non stick gauze

I’ve ordered some Neosporin from abroad so hopefully that’ll find its way to me though I’m not sure it’ll get through customs 😯

What might I find I suddenly need?! Looking forward to seeing your suggestions! 😃
1.) Corid, liquid corid (coccidiosis)
2.) Pain killer FREE neosporin (wound care, cannot have pain killer)
3.) Rooster Booster (I think this is like an immune booster, its my latest addition)
4.) Dewormer, I use Valbezen (To deworm my chickens)
5.) Syringe (To give meds orally)
6.) Chicken scissors (For poopy butts and wounds, to cut away the feathers near a wound)
7.) Dog crate (For sick birds 😩)
8.) Veterycin (Wound care, its spray on)
9.) Hydrogen peroxide (Sometimes for wound care, use in moderation)
10.) Painters tape (For curled toes in chicks and quail)
11.) Tweezer (For flystrike/maggots)
12.) Flashlight (To candle eggs, check up wounds, checkup eyes, etc.)
13.) Heat Lamp (For chicks and wet hens after a bath)
14.) Weight measure (For deworming dosages)
15.) Honey (For small wounds and as an electrolyte, with some garlic, in moderation)
16.) Coconut oil (Impacted crop, cooking for birds, and for incubating eggs)
17.) Permethrin dust (mites/lice)
18.) Extra masks (Smelly chickens 🤣, may be from sour crop, and can be used for a home necropsy)
19.) Monistat 7 (Sour crop med)
20.) Vaseline (For the treatment of scaly leg mites and sometimes for poop that are stuck on feathers)
21.) Calcium citrate (egg binding, tums work as well)
22.) Chicken blow dryer (When washing birds)
23.) Chicken towel (When washing birds)
24.) Dog pads (For sick birds in a dog crate)
25.) Gloves (For dealing with vaseline, wounds, necropsy, etc.)
26.) Cotton swabs (Cleaning and applying meds on wounds)
27.) Incubator batteries (For incubation)
28.) Dish soap (For drowning maggots on a wound)

This is the longer list. Some are probably already in your house.
I’m newish to keeping chickens (coming up to a year) and I’d love to know what is in your chicken first aid kit! I’m based in the UK so there may be some medication you can get in the US that I can’t get here but I can of course Google and try to find an alternative! I’ve been collecting things as my chickens get into scrapes and mischief! I currently have:

Vet wrap
Purple antibacterial spray
Chicken vitamins for drinking water
Worming powder
Coccidiosis liquid medicine for water
Magnesium sulphate ointment
non stick gauze

I’ve ordered some Neosporin from abroad so hopefully that’ll find its way to me though I’m not sure it’ll get through customs 😯

What might I find I suddenly need?! Looking forward to seeing your suggestions! 😃
What is in the "worming powder"?
1.) Corid, liquid corid (coccidiosis)
2.) Pain killer FREE neosporin (wound care, cannot have pain killer)
3.) Rooster Booster (I think this is like an immune booster, its my latest addition)
4.) Dewormer, I use Valbezen (To deworm my chickens)
5.) Syringe (To give meds orally)
6.) Chicken scissors (For poopy butts and wounds, to cut away the feathers near a wound)
7.) Dog crate (For sick birds 😩)
8.) Veterycin (Wound care, its spray on)
9.) Hydrogen peroxide (Sometimes for wound care, use in moderation)
10.) Painters tape (For curled toes in chicks and quail)
11.) Tweezer (For flystrike/maggots)
12.) Flashlight (To candle eggs, check up wounds, checkup eyes, etc.)
13.) Heat Lamp (For chicks and wet hens after a bath)
14.) Weight measure (For deworming dosages)
15.) Honey (For small wounds and as an electrolyte, with some garlic, in moderation)
16.) Coconut oil (Impacted crop, cooking for birds, and for incubating eggs)
17.) Permethrin dust (mites/lice)
18.) Extra masks (Smelly chickens 🤣, may be from sour crop, and can be used for a home necropsy)
19.) Monistat 7 (Sour crop med)
20.) Vaseline (For the treatment of scaly leg mites and sometimes for poop that are stuck on feathers)
21.) Calcium citrate (egg binding, tums work as well)
22.) Chicken blow dryer (When washing birds)
23.) Chicken towel (When washing birds)
24.) Dog pads (For sick birds in a dog crate)
25.) Gloves (For dealing with vaseline, wounds, necropsy, etc.)
26.) Cotton swabs (Cleaning and applying meds on wounds)
27.) Incubator batteries (For incubation)
28.) Dish soap (For drowning maggots on a wound)
Fantastic, this is amazing thank you!
mum intrigued by the ‘cooking for chickens’ use for coconut oil?! Please explain?!
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Below are some suggestions I compiled when looking for items to include in
Poultry Emergency Kit article

Fantastic, this is amazing thank you!
mum intrigued by the ‘cooking for chickens’ use for coconut oil?! Please explain?!
Coconut oil is edible to chickens and dogs. Its also good for impacted crop.

I cook for my birds sometimes and I use coconut oil. Other oils are okay in moderation, including olive oil.
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Ooh yes gloves and sharp scissors are excellent permanent additions. I must by my chickens their own tweezers too… 🤦🏻😬

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