What’s wrong


In the Brooder
Aug 30, 2023

I have a hen that is limping and not really using either foot/leg. At one time, one foot was swollen with a black scab. We took care of it and the swelling went down but the hen is still limping and not using either leg. What else do I need to do or consider?

How old is she?

Could you soak her feet in warm Epson salt water for a few minutes then inspect them to be sure there's not something else wrong? Also, when you said "black scab," bumblefoot came to mind. By soaking her feet you can inspect that area that was scabbed better too and make sure it's not still a problem.
That sounds like Bumblefoot.
An Epsom salt bath is best.
After the foot bath, her feet will be tender, and you can try removing any scabs on her foot. You should also disinfect with Neosporin or something similar.
After removing the scabs, you must wrap the foot in bandages to protect that area from infection.

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