What a buncha pests!


12 Years
Mar 28, 2011
My poor 29 yr old Arab mare couldn't even eat her breakfast in peace this morning, lol. The old girl was swarmed by about 8 of my 12 free rangers (who of course already HAD their breakfast!). She was gettin' pretty cranky about them pestering her and ended up walking off to sulk

No way would she even THINK about sharing with my other horses, so it really surprised me that she tolerated the Guineas for as long as she did, lol.



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Your Arab mare must have lots of patience to tolerate a loud mob of misfits! Those Guineas can be pesky varmints
LOL she's really cranky and bossy, I'm really surprised she put up with that. She never shares with the other horses, she kicks their butts and chases them all off if they try to get in her pink bucket, lol. She just closed her eyes and chowed down on her hot breakfast (mix of hot soaked beet pulp shreds, sweetfeed and equine senior), despite the pesty birds. Every time she pulled her face out of the bucket the birds were fighting over getting in it, and she'd get grumpy, lay her ears back and push them out of it so she could eat more lol. When she finally walked off fed up with the birds I had to take it away to keep them out of it. Pigs!!!
I love that last shot of the hen's bum!!! (Sorry, not helping)

Need me to come over and help resolve the obnoxious guinea problem? Or are these birds hiding some endearing traits that make them worth having around?
Here's another bum shot for ya


Actually these 12 pests are my "Guinea Gangstas"or the "Dirty Dozen" as I sometimes call them, the ranch gang of full-time free rangers, decendents of my original 7 that I started with and years ago. They get to stay because...
1) They've developed enough brain matter to know it's a good idea to stay out of the dog's yard and also figured out how to avoid the predators.
2) They do a good job with the tick, spider and snake patrol/control thing.
3) Their free range eggs are delish during the laying season, IF I can find the nests, lol.
4) They are also good about warning everybody of predators and even chase some off.
5) They also bully the other flocks to stay in their own pastures (and threaten the birds in the sale pen off and on thru the day)... so to some degree they do earn their keep, lol. With as much as they run around all day I can't imagine their meat being very tender, lol. They are at least low maintenance

I do have around 50 younger birds left to sell (or butcher) that you can come help deal with tho... I've been eyeballing about 6 or 7 bully cocks in that pen that are major trouble makers lately, and they are nice and big too
Unfortunately they are also gorgeous birds... their only saving grace so far, lol. I've named most of them ... Tisser (rotisserie), Crocker, (crockpot), Baker (baked in the oven), Stuffer (stuffed), Stewer (stewed) and Griller (self explanatory). I don't know if naming them is a good or bad thing, lol
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Nice. I'm glad you have a good flock, even if they have figured out how to crash on your grey mare's dinner party

I do have enough miles for an air ticket, but I'm back to work next week.

But if you do butcher those bully cocks, I'll give you my number and you can call me for a hand holding (as long as it's on the weekend). LOL.
LOL Peeps, my 30 odd guineas stand underneath the horses feed buckets picking up the grain any of them are foolish enough to drop, it worry's me sick that one of them will get stomped on, just amazes me how the horses tolerate them! Wonderful photos!

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