What age are my girls? **With Pics** | ** Really Picture Heavy Now **

Thats alot
Im originally from London so there is lots of other words like that lol

Thank you

They have a full feeder of Layers Pellets and get corn and other tid bits in the afternoon, is that what you mean? As for there lighting, we dont have any electrics near the coop so we will have to stick to letting them out early and putting them to bed at dusk

Thanks for all the answers
Hi, I have POLs which look almost identical in age to these which I bought 3 weeks ago at 18 weeks old... So I would guess by their size (scaled against the size of your hands - unless you have freakishly sized hands of course
) and the size of the combs they are probably around 21 weeks ish... My guess they are Lohman Browns/Warrens which as you probably know are used in battery systems for their high egg laying in the UK... My own have not started laying yet so I am also eagerly awaiting my first! I am guessing that most of their energy is put into keeping warm at the moment as it is so cold even down here in Cornwall. I did read that their combs go from Pink to Red when they are about to lay, my own are still pink like yours appear to be. Anyways fingers crossed! Nice pics! Oh, p.s. Is that one of those chinese made coops in the background? I was thinking of getting a second and wondered what the quality is like? At the moment I have an Eglu (by omlet) which is fantastic but I would like to get a bigger flock so another coop is in order.
have the same chickens iwas the same as you did not know there age or breed .had mine i month now no eggs yet.
Hello, Im not a bird scientist but It looks to me like you may have golden comits. It is very hard to tell age by picture but they look the same size as my goldens and mine are 8 months old and laying. Some advice I can gife you is a web site that may help you idenify your birds. www.mychicken.com you will find a link of bird breeds here that just might help you narrow down the breed of your birds.
They are beauties!

In the UK they are the most comon variety used on battery farms - I have a couple of ex batts and they are fantastic layers!

Yours look yong - 18-20 weeks, so it might be a few weeks until they lay - but when they do you will get a really good supply of large brown eggs - sometimes more that 1 per hen per day.

If you ever need info on chicken breeds this weksite is great http://www.omlet.co.uk/breeds/breeds.php?breed_type=Chickens&breed=Ex-Battery Hen and this link tells you about battery hens in particular - but they have most varieties listed.

Good Luck with them
Thanks guys, didnt really know much about them but after some digging found out they are commonly used at Battery Hens.

Not sure i brought it from Ebay and the build quality was not the greatest. I have made some adjustments. I will go take some pictures and stick them on for you.

P.S its not only cold in Cornwall it is freezing in the Midlands

The Coop & Run


The Coop End


Length Ways


Nesting Boxes (Yes Empty lol)


Inside View


The door in this photo was one i made as amazingly this never came with a door to lock them in the Coop at Night. We have toughened the frame up and the coop it self and it is all nice an sturdy.

In hindsight i wish i had built one by following this design. It is such an easy design and wouldn't take much skill at all (I'm clueless when it comes to DIY)

Hope that helps?
Thanks very much for the pics of the coop. Yes, the ones I was looking at are from ebay and I believe most are made in China... I did wonder about the quality but they look very smart. I am not sure I am up to building one though so maybe if a bit of reinforcement does the trick I will give one a go............ best of luck!
Their combs and waddles seem underdeveloped. I have different chickens but yours look young. My chickens waddles grew and then turned bright red before they started to lay.

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