What am I doing wrong.

Once you get them, make sure they’re correct. You can google “how to calibrate thermometer” “how to calibrate hygrometer”

The two methods attached work well. But try them several times to make triple sure your readings are the same each time. Before you start another batch in an incubator, test and calibrate them again.

There may be other, better ways but I don’t know them. I’m sure someone on here knows all the methods.

you can calibrate a hygrometre by putting it into a bag of slightly damp salt (guides on google). imo best to use 2 or 3 hygrometres and themometres to make sure you have an accurate reading.

edit: ninja'd
Those TS incubators readings are always off. I have the same incubator and its 99.8 cooked half my first clutch. Turns out it was really 102.5! I Now have an ample supply of different H. & T. None are perfect they are all off by at least a dagree. Calibrating is awesome! You just have to remember how off each one is. (I write it down)

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