What am I doing wrong???

Maybe its just a late hatch? Good Luck!

Oh, by the way, the silkie eggs i got from you are due on the 18th
I'm rooting for you, too! It seems like your bator has been kept around the same temp as mine, and I never count on my Seramas hatching before day 20 (if at all
Seems like you did everything correct. I second the "people make it way more precise then it needs to be". I have a Dicky incubator and I am opening it all the time to add new eggs , add water, candle chicks, take out chicks because I forgot when they were due to hatch..etc.. etc...and I keep my humidity around 58% the whole time and they still hatch out like popcorn...... Chicks, pheasant, ducks, geese, turkey, quail etc.... so can't be all bad.
Chick that pipped the bottom died. The one that was pipped looks like it may be trying to zip. Actually it pipped the side of the egg, but at least it didn't pip through the vessels like the other one did.

Other than that, there is no more activity. An hour ago was the end of day 22. I actually set these eggs the evening of Thursday, Feb. 18th but I'm not counting that day as day 1.

Well, I'll just leave the bator on for another couple of days and see if anything is going to come late. I talked with another breeder today and she reports that many folks are telling her that they are having late hatches this year for some reason.
Im not familiar with that incubator, but is there any way the temp or humidity could be off? It sounds like you did everything right, but it sounds like the temps might have been low. How frustrating.
The Brinsea is a top of the line incubator. I don't think the temp could be off, but I've ordered a spot thermometer to check.

Looks like the final count will be 2 chicks. One hatched by broody and one hatched that pipped the side of the egg but not into the veins. It was mostly out of the shell by this morning...just had the bottom part stuck to it's legs. After taking the shell off, it's trying to get up now.

I'll leave the bator the rest of today, then check for possible live chicks before I clean it and set more eggs.
Now gator, don't you have lots of darling bantam cochin ladies who would love to hatch eggs for you??

Sorry to hear about your experience with the Brinsea. That's supposed to be one of the very best bators. Hatching with broodies is sure not an exact science, but maybe it's the way to go, eh?

Good luck with the rest of your spring hatches, and thanks for keeping us posted on your progress.

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