what am I seeing??

I have 2 thermometers... the one on top of the eggs reads about 101, the one laying on the egg turner about 99. I have no idea about humidity... I just keep the trays full of water. The directions say to soak a sponge for lockdown.

(sorry for the hijack koa)

ETA I hope not too late... 3 days after the supposed hatch date I am leaving for Texas for 3 days and my folks agreed to chick sit, not incubator sit
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yah, i'm just following the directions that came with it for humidity and temp. i've had a hard time keeping it warm enough but i think i've got it now. it's been sitting right around 99-100 just like it said to for the last couple days.
these are my testing eggs anyways, i'd be thrilled to get something out of them, but f not, then i've learned something...
My eggs are just barnyard mutts - I have a hatchery stock EE Roo and hatchery stock hens of various breeds. No telling what I'll end up with if they hatch!
i have a bunch of eggs from my golden comet, and 2 from my white crested black polish, and the rooster has been identified as some sort of brahama mix or something... lol. It'll be great when my little silkie roo is all grown up! i want babies from him.
Actually I see veining in both of these eggs.

Yeah now... but at day 7 there was nothing... just the dark shadows. This is at day 13
ok, i got a new light, and redid my candling area. I still dont have the best pics, but my phone took some better than the camera.. i managed to seperate about half the eggs to the back that i sae absolutely nothing inside, and the other half all look like this:

if you follow the line of the X you can see a little black dot in the middle of the egg.

here you can see a black dot next to the white spot on the egg shell.

I still can't see any veins though...? the other ones are obviously not growing- there is nothing at all inside them. but these 5 that look like this?
to me, that looks like an embryo and you might just not be able to see the veins yet... if you stand it up wide end up and use a mag lite on the top, you might see some veins just under the air sac... that is how I finally saw mine in my brown eggs.

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