What am I?


9 Years
Jul 25, 2012
I was supposed to be an Olive Egger but my eggs are light brown. Any idea?


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Since an olive egger is a mixed breed yours could be one that didn't get the right genes for olive eggs. Yours looks like a mixed breed.
Oh I see. I thought she would have to have a beard. Either way she's a sweetie.


My olive egger looks like a blue splash Maran. They are currently just a mixed breed and their appearance varies greatly. The are defined by the color of their eggs and don't breed true.
Don't they have to have an Ameraucana in there? I guess even then, the genes may not work out right.
I would assume they use Americana, or EE, which lately don't always have muffs on them, mixed with whatever dark brown egg layers they have. Since yours is laying light brown eggs it might not even have been an olive egger, as the eggs should at least be darker brown I think, but I'm not expert on them.
Olive Eggers don't have to have Ameraucana in them. I breed Olive eggers from Marans/Cream Legbar crosses. Another breeder I know breeds them from Cream Legbar/Welsummer crosses.
I have an olive egger that is a New Hampshire crossed with a mixed rooster (AmercaunaXAustralorp). She is yellow with blue legs and lays army green eggs.

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