What animal eats only the head?

Weasel, coon, or any other small-medium sized predator. Most will start with the head. If they are disturbed that is all that is eaten.

Sorry you lost your pullet.

Stoat, weasel, coon, Mink, Ferrit. any of those. Young chicks Rat but they usually eat the whole thing and they don;t usually go for bigger birds. Wild Cat takes the whole bird and so do birds of prey. Domestic cats don;t usually touch chickens at all, though sometimes they will take unguarded chicks again not just the head.

Sorry for your loss.

Definitely, hawk will pop off the head, if it's head and heck, I'd say possum.
Thank you for the feedback! I live in central Florida, can I kill raccoons or anything that threatens my chickens? I live in the county.

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