What annoyed you today?

I hate, hate, hate it when they put the change on the counter while you are standing there with your hand open! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr..........

I am usually a positive person...you know...the glass is half full type but lately this chicken thing or lack there of...is starting to get to me. I can only have 4 standard size hens. Soooo.....being new I don't really want to hatch eggs and would like show quality SLWs or BLRWs. I don't want , need or can afford to buy 25, 50 or 100 like I have been seeing listed on Eggbid. I thought I had it all researched out after months of reading but I didn't figure on how difficult it would be to acquire the chickens! I have my heart set on the BLRWs and maybe even would take Blues instead of SLWs. It makes my mind just spin...trying to figure out..now that I almost have my coop done how to find the chickens. Oh well.....I am sure this is happening for a reason.......maybe MY chicks haven't been made yet! LOL!
My husband taking my mini van because it had more gas then his car and then called me up at 4 am to come pick him because the van died. Then I couldn't go back to sleep and my kids were going to be up at 6 anyways! So Hubby took the working car and went out of town for work and left me with no car.
I was just checking my email and the dogs went crazy. I looked out an saw a nice (obviously not from around here) Acura coming down our driveway. There are NO TRESPASSING and PRIVATE PROPERTY signs all over the place but apparently, this dude didn't think they applied to him? The whole while my dogs are jumping up & scratching his car and he's honking the horn.

He drove back to the school house and started to get out and was trying to take pictures...before my dogs MADE him get back in the car. So I came out and just stared at him, my hands on my hips. I did not call the dogs back. He stared at me. He's still trapped in his car and making no effort to leave. The shotgun is loaded and I'm waiting for his next move, LOL

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