?what are best egg layers?

Chickens lay eggs when every they are ready to lay an egg. Be it 24 or 48 hours per cycle. The most efficient egg layers are leghorns and sexlinks as that is what they are bred for.
I love my sex links they were the first to start laying, Laying through the winter every day. They lay nice big brown eggs.
my leghorns are also good, but they have smaller eggs, and my customers prefer the browns.
sexlinks tend to be better layers for the first two seasons and then tend to burn out where good heritage breeds may lay a few less a year but lay for years more than the sexlinks do. Just one thing to consider.
I'm partial to my RIR's for laying...but now, my 2 that are RIR/BO mixes are Roos...so I guess that counts that out.

However, my black australorps did quite well last season...can't wait for them all to start laying this season.
I too like the RIR's it is said they are prolific layers producing 5 per week, can't get much better that

Both Red and Black Sex-Links use a red male for the father. Either a Rhode Island Red or a New Hampshire may be used. Source:Feather site.com/

They are also gentle friendly and quiet! That are the hens, I do not have Roos.

my austalorps give me about 5-6 eggs a week, each.

i'll just throw this out there, don't "professional" chicken farmers also take into account feed consumption when determining breed selection for layers?

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