What Are my neighbors having for dinner?

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What!?! What's this? If you have children and are on welfare do you get this or something? How crazy!!

MP lives in Australia.

Thanks Sourland! I forgot about that!
No one is calling any one names here, some people honestly need the help. I believe the rant by the OP is that they are eating steak and shrimp once a week while on welfare. Welfare should be for people who need assistance not for people to live off of their entire lives.

Kudos to your sister for getting out of a abusive relationship.
What!?! What's this? If you have children and are on welfare do you get this or something? How crazy!!

Encouraging to raise children on welfare!
And what happens to them when payments stop?!
There is a big difference between falling on hard times and needing help. There are a lot of fine people who did nothing wrong and have lost homes, cars, savings, businesses....etc. These are hard times for many.

And then you have those

Who work the system to avoid having a job, Mom has a friend with a child who has a new baby every 4.5 years so she can stay on welfare and live in her section-8 housing.

(fyi I want a steak and a bbq!)
I don't mind it if people really need it and don't abuse it, but there are so many who do. My hubby's mom did foster care and then adopted 8 children. She is cruel and unkind to them, but they bring in $6000.00 a month for her. Some of them have minor special education needs, but nothing major. The kids are on Medicaid, so she doesn't have to worry about their healthcare (which is nice for the kids). Her hubby never had a steady job and neither did she and once she started fostering it is hard to work.

Once they had fallen on "hard times" and were able to get food stamps, a welfare check, and that $6000.00/month stipend for the kids. How on earth does that happen? She is Walmart's dream. She gets her checks and goes straight to Walmart every month. It's not like she's setting some aside for the kids or doing extra things for them with that money. It's all for her -- her payday, so she goes and buys whatever junk she wants. CPS has been called multipe times -- the last time by a teacher and nothing ever happens. She complains/has a pity party because the oldest just turned 18 and she will no longer be paid for her, mind you this is an adopted child. Poor kids -- we only hope that they grow up to be good individuals.
Not everyone on aide is lazy or a thief. MANY are single moms or dads who need the help and have circumstances no one knows about until they ask.

PLEASE- NO blanket statements. They ARENT fair and really get some people ticked off.

One thing I just CANT understand or figure out.... If people are on aide, HOW do they afford to buy fancy, expensive things? I mean REALLY!!!! HOW do they do it?

I figure they gotta pay rent, pay for utilites, food, gas, etc stuff for normal life. But WHERE do they get THOUSANDS for all the extras people talk about?

I know for some of the people I know who are on aide, their family often gives them cast-offs, or their old nice stuff when they buy something new, or their inheirite a few things, or they get a tax refund and spend it however. But how do they but any of the nice big TV's AND fancy cars, etc on NO income? They MUST have some kind of help or soemthing, right? Is there something i dont know about in the welfare laws of CA?

My family memeber got a couple hundred bucks a month for being a single mom of 3, but that onlt lasts so long and only goes so far, and yeah, there was 200 bucks a mo in food stamps, and utility rate reductions, and low rent, but, c'mon.... NO WAY could she afford the things ya'll have mentioned without some kind of outside help or as gifts. NO WAY. Her income wouldnt allow it (and she does work).

HOW do they do it? I know we are all quick to see whats on the outside, but when I try to think about those things rationally, I just cant figure out where the actual money comes from. You can only mis-spend your Gov money till its gone for the month- and there cant possibly be that much to spend anyways, so....how do they live? How do they survive? (or dont they?)

Not saying there isnt fraud or any of those things,just wondering WHY my hardworking family memeber is struggling SO, SO hard and gets SO, SO little from the Gov, yet there are people on here saying some people make enough off the Gov to have fancy things and eat like kings. I just dont get it...
Suzette -- I truly do not get that, either. I've known some who do have it and need it. They get enough just to scrape on by. And then there's people like my MIL.
or they get a tax refund and spend it however.

Here's the problem. How do you get a tax refund, when you've contributed nothing to the system?
I do know that my MIL does not have to claim the monthly stipend for the kids as income for tax purposes, yet she can claim it as income for taking a loan out for herself to purchase a pretty nice flashy suburban and her hubby a nice truck. He does have a job now -- makes $8.00/hr (which is no biggie, at least he's finally working), but if they used his income alone, they'd never be able to purchase the things they do. I know he did claim 10 exemptions so he gets nothing taken out of his check. They get a massive tax refund, too! I don't know what she'll do when the kids are all 18 & over. Her lifestyle will definitely be changing!

I should say that those monthly stipends are great for families who foster. These kids have been adopted for years and I'm not sure how she still gets so much monthly for them. It's just a shame that it's very selfishly wasted on her and that she's so very unkind to them.
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