What are some cities in the United States that allow roosters residentially?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 7, 2013
Hi everyone! I recently bought three baby “pullets” and one turned out to be a rooster. He is such a sweet little guy, and I am not going to give him away. However, where I live roosters are illegal. I have always planned to move after college, which I will be done with very soon. So, I was wondering if anyone has any specific recommendations about cities/counties that allow roosters. I know it sounds ridiculous to be thinking about moving so I can keep my rooster, but since I want to move anyway I thought I might as well keep places that allow roosters in mind. Thanks so much.
Very few large cities. There is a city in California that allows conjugal visits.
There are about 100 cities in St. Louis county and at least 5 of them either specifically allow them or don't regulate at all.
More rural areas will tend to be more rooster friendly. In my town (Berlin CT) you need three acres to own any livestock, including chickens. Roosters are allowed here, but you must meet the 3+ acre rule, which we do.
Greenville County, SC has no restrictions on chickens. I kept my rooster because I like watching the dynamics of the flock with a rooster.


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