What are these pullets?

Leghorn girls are very slim, they are NOT a dual purpose breed, meaning you wouldn't want to eat them after their egg production days. Too skinny. I have a leghorn, sweetest girl, and still laying strong, she's about 5 yrs old now, they were bred to primarily make eggs.
That had been my initial thought as well. I didn't expect leghorns to look so vastly different from the other breeds I have. Even the roos I saw look SO different from my BR and BCM cockerels. But I've never seen other leghorns in person either, so I guess I'll have to run with the advice I've got.

I kind of thought since this guy raised chickens for so long he'd know a leghorn, but maybe he'd never seen them either.

They are so incredibly noisy, the shrieks these girls let out are not what I expect out of something so small. It's almost bloodcurdling...
Thanks! That certainly clears it up!

They are cute little things, even if they do scream like banshees. I love the look of them.

I was just up your way last week getting a BCM cockerel from Keara, I've gotten 6 birds from her now. Glad to know another local!
Love the picture you took of them. My son and I thought they looked like vampire chickens. Leghorns are really good egg layers. I have Comets, Cochins, Brahmas and Dellys and I am still waiting for everyone to lay. I looked in to renting an incubator for our 4-Hers this year but decided to purchase one instead. On the extension website they tell you what types they do. Gorgeous birds almost makes me wish I hadn't changed my mind. LOL
I've know of some people working with the Dellys and Brahmas for DP flocks, that's what we are hoping to use our BCM's for, and cross some of our Rocks and New Hampshires as well. I love how the Dellys and Brahmas look too, beautiful birds. I'm excited for the white eggs from the leghorns, I think all my others are light and dark brown layers. I'll have to check out the extension website, haven't been there yet.

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