What are you adding to your flock this year?

I am hoping to get some Lavender Orpington eggs from a fellow BYC member and I would love to find some pure Ameracaunas.
I also want some more Speckled Sussex. I love them!
I'd definitely like to get another hen (chicken) or two, hopefully very soon here. I want some color in my flock - right now it's all gray, black, and white.

There's a good possibility I'll be getting a couple of pheasants soon, too. And, once we can order some chicks, there should be turkeys roaming the yard once again. Getting a Bourbon Red for sure, when we do, but I'd also like either a Royal Palm or a Standard Bronze. It's exciting!
I have a hatcher now, sooooooo I want wheaten blue wheaten am. eggs, Some more of the German Nh and I am going to mix my lavender orps with a 65%black orp of mostly English decent. I have to also prepare myself to put some in the freezer or can some.. Not an easy task for me to do. Now just to figure where to put them as they grow out. I will select two of the am.'s to keep and two of the NH's to keep. I will thin my flock down some now to one of a kind for the summer. I thought my Neighbor wanted to start her a flock and I could share but that was 4 months ago and she has not even started a coop.!!! I so wanted to know these girls would have good homes for life. Gloria Jean
I'm importing a bunch of chicks from Ideal this spring, Brahmas, Cochins, EEs and more!
What am I adding?


No, seriously!
I've been pulling together pieces parts to build a coop for a long time - and daydreaming over the hatchery web sites .....

Then yesterday afternoon one of my neighbors asked "Are you EVER going to come get this shed?" They had offered me a huge shed (roughly 10x10) a couple of years ago but I had to pass on it since I had no way to move it the 5 miles or so down the road. Time passed and nothing else was ever said about it so I assumed they had given it to someone else. I nearly fainted. YES!!! I'll rent a trailer if I have to and I'll be there next weekend!

Soooo - I'm adding CHICKENS this year!

Now, if I can just find someone in the Maryland, Virginia, North Carolinia area that has chickens - I could go pick them up and avoid all the shipping/Post Office drama......

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