What are you canning now?

Does anyone know how to can an egg custard? I take fish to this little Japanese man and in return he gave me 4 jars of this rich egg vanilla custard ... Kinda like a flan ... I imagine you have to use the pressure cooker but I have never canned eggs. This would be a great recipe to make and store for those that have too many eggs... Help! Back to canning fish... Oh I would ask him but our conversation is limited to a knock at the door, he runs in his kitchen puts some treats in a bag smiles and hugs me, bows and waves bye bye... Bye bye... Bye bye!
I got very few vegetables this year! I had this bell pepper that was growing since June that was finally reed enough to pick the other day :th.

Had many more last year. :(
I got very few vegetables this year! I had this bell pepper that was growing since June that was finally reed enough to pick the other day

Had many more last year.

We had the same trouble with our bell peppers this year (and banana peppers too). Hoping for a better crop next year.
Made 5 pints of Green Tomato / Hot Pepper Mix, which is kind of like a southwest jardiniere. Lightly pickled green tomatos, NM red peppers, garlic, pearl onions.

Also made 3 half-pints of Cowboy Candy (a half recipe)

House smells like spicy pickles!
Does anyone know how to can an egg custard? I take fish to this little Japanese man and in return he gave me 4 jars of this rich egg vanilla custard ... Kinda like a flan ... I imagine you have to use the pressure cooker but I have never canned eggs. This would be a great recipe to make and store for those that have too many eggs... Help! Back to canning fish... Oh I would ask him but our conversation is limited to a knock at the door, he runs in his kitchen puts some treats in a bag smiles and hugs me, bows and waves bye bye... Bye bye... Bye bye!
Not sorry.
I've never canned some of the stuff I'm seeing here.

A friend stopped by today with a bag of Concord grapes. Very dark and smelled great. There were 17 cups worth. They also had a recipe in the bag for Grape Jam but I'm not going to make that. I washed them up and put them in the freezer.

I've still a lot of apples to do up.

Anyone got a recipe for Pie filling? And do I have to pressure can it? I don't have a pressure canner but it might mean I'm getting one next year.

I've never canned some of the stuff I'm seeing here. 

A friend stopped by today with a bag of Concord grapes. Very dark and smelled great. There were 17 cups worth. They also had a recipe in the bag for Grape Jam but I'm not going to make that. I washed them up and put them in the freezer. 

I've still a lot of apples to do up. 

Anyone got a recipe for Pie filling?  And do I have to pressure can it?  I don't have a pressure canner but it might mean I'm getting one next year. 


You can water bath anything, it just might take a really long time. Corn is 3 hours. Anyway, I process recipes using the time table for the longest ingredient. The normal apple pie filing would be the same as apples.
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