What are you canning now?

So, I picked tart pie cherries for canning up some pie filling.  Pitted all the cherries, got everything ready, canner going, jars washed and heating in the hot water, juice measured and sugar added, went to grab my Clear Jel to premeasure for when the juice was boiling ... ACKK!  all I had was instant Clear Jel!  Didn't even know they made instant.  

Now I have to wait until Monday to buy the regular Clear Jel at the Mennonite store.
eeeek is right.that's the worst. Hope it turns out well when you are able to can it. How many qts do you generally make? I make 8 qts (2 batches) usually of cherry pie filling
I am going to try for 2 batches of Cherry pie filling - 8 quarts total. But I like to do about 1/2 or more of it in pints for Pudgy Pies, Cheese cake topping, ice cream, a bad day at work ....

Since I had to wait, I made Black Forest Cherry Sauce and Door County Cherry Bounce.
I will have to get more cherries for a second batch of pie filling.
I bought tomato plants this year and some are not what they're supposed to be. Others not doing as well as the ones that came up on their own.

Also bought another Red currant bush to stick in the ground. I figure I'll need it if I'm to get enough for one batch of jelly. This year I got just about enough from one bush but should have gotten more. They're in the freezer for now.

The Crandall blacks won't yield enough for a batch either. They're a late variety and have a few berries on them. Anyone know how to take cuttings? I've got a bush that did well but I'd need more to get enough berries. I have about a cup or two in the freezer but need at least four for the recipe.

Anyone here dry herbs? I wonder how to dry them so I can give them as gifts. Anyone have a recipe of herbs they like to do?
A lot of freezer jams are not cooked - so those are a no. Some canned fruit jams also call for acid (lemon juice or citric acid) to up the pH so they won't spoil on the shelf, a lot of the freezer jam recipes I looked at don't add any. You need to heat the jam to boiling temp and hold there for x amount of time to kill the nasties that would cause it to spoil while sitting on the shelf.
I would suggest to just use a recipe for canned jam if you are going to can it. It won't taste as fresh, but there are some really good recipes out there.
This is the one I was thinking of trying.... Looking at it now, I can see no added acids...

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