What are you canning now?

Canning squash or pumpkin puree isn't recommended: http://www.uga.edu/nchfp/tips/fall/pumpkins.html

Canning pumpkin butter or mashed or pureed pumpkin is NOT recommended.
Home canning is not recommended for pumpkin butter or any mashed or pureed pumpkin or winter squash. In 1989, the USDA's Extension Service published the Complete Guide to Home Canning that remains the basis of Extension recommendations today, found in the September 1994 revision. The only directions for canning pumpkin and winter squash are for cubed pulp. In fact, the directions for preparing the product include the statement, "Caution: Do not mash or puree." More information can be found here: http://www.uga.edu/nchfp/publications/uga/pumpkin_butter.html

Remember that just because you can seal a jar doesn't mean that what's inside it is safe to eat (read: that the bacteria and spores have been killed).​
wegotchickens -- you can can them and they will seal, but they could potentially harbor harmful bacteria, because acidity levels are inconsistent, but typically low. I'd suggest freezing it to be safe.
This is the first year I didn't can anything....Iowas weather was so wet that nothing could grow. Flooded my garden out after I finally got it planted in the mud....I was desperate. I miss my fresh jars sitting in the pantry. I bet I got maybe 3 doz tomatoes this year and I had more than anyone else. That's how I got into chickens. Gave up on the garden and found me a new hobby.
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I froze alot of stuff due to time. Brocoli, beans, corn.

I canned apple cider (first time), spagetti, and salsa.

We tried grape juice, lots of grapes, not alot of juice....learning experience. I will appreciate the stuff I buy at the store from now on!

I am looking to can some more cider. We have already drank a gallon (not hard with 5 kids) and I canned 15 gallons. 3 gallons went to the neighbor for payment for giving us the apples. So I will have spend a little to get more apples...the neighborhood is depleted now!!!

Pumpkin has to be frozen. We cook it up and measure out the amount for bread and pie (marking it on the bag) and put it in the freezer.

Bacteria can still grow in the frig....haven't you ever left something in there a little too long?

I have never tried freezing a jar...I would think the pumpkin would expand and the glass would crack.
I did grape juice this year as well ~ And I will tell you the best timesaver I have EVER heard tell of was this Nutri-steamer!! It was FANTASTIC!! we got about 10 to 11 gallons out of the 2 large laundry baskets of grapes I picked at my mom's house. All you have to do with the Nutri-Steamer is run water over the fruit to rinse away anything major, pull out the leaves ( leave em on the vine, doesn't matter a bit!) plop the fruit in the top, put water in the bottom, turn it onto simmer, and wait about 45 minutes for a gallon or better of juice! When it's done, the only thing left in the hopper is vines, seeds, & skins. There is no pressing, no seeding, no blanching, no peeling, NOTHING ~ it's absolutely beautiful!! We wept from joy ~ ;-D

AND, the grape juice is HEAVENLY! It comes out at 200*F, and some people call it good there, I tend to want to water bath it anyway. And I kid you not, that was the fastest 10 gallons of grape juice EVER! Plus, it's a little bit concentrate, so we usually add almost a bottle of water to a bottle of juice, no sugar at all ( but we like it tart!).

Anyway, just thought I'd pass along that little gem of info, I about went & BOUGHT more grapes just fro the pleasure of canning so easily again, lol! ( But I didn't, too cheap, skinflint, had 10 gallons, had these dang tomatoes to get through..lol)
That is just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I want a room like that!

OMG!!!! I totally agree!!! How in the heck have I missed this thread??!!!! Good grief, I have 19 pages to read and pictures to drool over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I DID find this thread apaprently back in August ...have got to keep better track..you all could make magazine covers with some of the great looking canned items on this thread!! Not much looks better than canned food in the pantry!!! I have another bag of pears to get canned this weekend and then I have to shell a bag of pecans I didn't get to yesterday..will freeze those till nearer Christmas and then toast them and make some jerky too.

Definately keeping a better eye on this awesome thread!!

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