What are you canning now?

People give me jars, and I always take them. A neighbor who moved had a dusty box of them that she didn't want to move; I took them. A colleague whose mother died brought me over all of her old canning supplies. If people know that I can, they're usually happy to find someone who can use the stuff. I really only pay for uncommon sizes, like the 4 ouncers for making holiday jam assortments to give away.

Of course, I always reciprocate with something in a jar or two when people give me these things. They like that.
I should take you shopping with me
I bought 2 dozen quart jars with brand new lids and bands for .25 each and 3 boxes of jelly/honey jars like they use in the stores with brand new sealable lids for $1 a box on Monday. The guy that runs the place has NO clue, I just tell him to look out for canning jars when he's out picking and he'll call me every once in a while with a bunch like this.

I canned oranges and made orange and lemon extracts this week, I just haven't sat down and updated the blog yet. I also put up a few more jars of dilled cauliflower.
Vfm, I do not remember if it was your blog or KDbeads, but I made the onion apple jam with balsamic vinegar and it is SO good. I might have to try the garlic/onion one. Is it on your blog or in the ball book?
I should take you shopping with me
I bought 2 dozen quart jars with brand new lids and bands for .25 each and 3 boxes of jelly/honey jars like they use in the stores with brand new sealable lids for $1 a box on Monday. The guy that runs the place has NO clue, I just tell him to look out for canning jars when he's out picking and he'll call me every once in a while with a bunch like this.

I canned oranges and made orange and lemon extracts this week, I just haven't sat down and updated the blog yet. I also put up a few more jars of dilled cauliflower.

DANG! The quarter jars are history around here. Sometimes, I can find half pint jars at Goodwill for .50, but it's VERY rare to EVER find anything larger than that for under a dollar.

We ran out of jars last year and now that we kinda figured out where we erred in the garden and are rectifying it for this year, we suspect (okay, we HOPE) we're going to need all the jars we can get our hands on.
Does anyone use a unlined copper pot for making their jams? I ordered one and it's huge I was expecting it to be much smaller.. Wondering how you like yours. I did not spring for the Mauviel, I ended up ordering from a restaurant supply the Matfor Bourgeat since I am not sure I will like using it, I also plan on making caramels in it.
I canned seven quarts of golden chicken stock today. It tastes delicious, if I do say so
I ran out of jars (and space in the canner), and I have some left. Instead of freezing it (I'm trying to empty my freezer so I can fill it back up again) I think I'll make some French onion soup. It is going to snow and sleet later today and all night, so comfort food is just what is ordered.

I am going to check out the Salvation Army - your jar finds are fantastic!
Well I got my new canner and before I actually put food in I'm going to do a dry run (well, water of coarse but no jars that I can mess up) but then, I'm readyto get going. I just got the last of my chili out of the freezer so the next batch I make, I would like to can. Mine has sausage, beef and beans and then the rest of the chili stuff so how long and at what pressure would I process these quarts??

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