What are you canning now?

Okay, now you have to tell me how you make your own pectin from the apple scraps. Here I've always thrown them all away!!!
Sometimes when I make a jam I'll just cut up an apple real finely and add it in with the fruit. It doesn't change the flavor but helps it to thicken a bit.

Well, now you all have me thinking about canning grapefruits and oranges! (As if people don't think I've already flipped my lid!!!
They'd never believe I was actually canning citrus!!!
yup, I wish I had apple trees! I would not ever buy pectin again. I bought a bag of apples last year to try your recipe, and It was the BEST! I can see using it for everything.
But even my lemon zest and vodka is bitter. I was very careful not to hit any white either. Oh well. It will be a nice air freshener.
Very simple!

Fill up a pot with scraps and cores (the greener the apples the better). Then fill with water until it touches the top of the scrap pile! Now bring to a boil, and then simmer. A couple of hours is good, you are looking for an apple sauce consistancy. When done filter through a jelly bag / cheese cloth/ or muslin. Will probably need to drip over night.

Now boil down the liquid to about 1/2

You can can this like you do your jellies in a water bath for 10 minutes, or you can freeze it in large containers. I freeze mine in tupperware, and then thaw and try to use the whole batch within a week. Store in the fridge then.

To know your pectin is good, get some cold in the fridge, place some on a spoon or in a small bowl. (About 1-2 tbsp) and then add a few drops of rubbing alcohol. If it gelatinizes then you know your pectin will work. (Throw this test out, you can NOT consume it.)

3/4 cup of the liquid is what you will use in the recipes that call for 1 package of the liquid pectin.

Hope that helps!
Ok... I answered that question and forgot why I came to post! LOL


I was going to ask:

I've been looking for a pressure canner and I'm on a TINY budget. I've looked all over craigslist, and I was going to break and buy the presto new from amazon. Then someone replied to my post on craigslist that I was looking... and they have an All American 925 Canner, its only a year old, comes with everything they got with it... says its in amazing condition... asking $160.

Good price? Should I be wary? What should I do when I look at it to make sure its in good working order? Suggestions? Likes or dislikes of the thing?

I gotta admit, its looking REALLY good... and I'd really like it!!!

vfem - thanks for the recipe! It went right in my recipe file! As for that canner - $160? Woweeee that's a boat load of money. But I don't know what they go for. I've got to google that one.
They may have never used it. I know mine sat for a LONG time before I got the courage up. watching youtube vids over and over helped a lot.
My presto cost that much, and I have heard good things about American.
The plugs need to be in good shape, the seal has to be flexible and fresh looking, no gummy texture, and no nicks or creases.
That's my 2cents. although, I only feel like a half penny today.
ps. also, always bigger is better if it will fit on your stove. You may as well do one big batch than two, that said, I have a large canner that won't fit on my stove surface, so keep that in mind when you order.
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Okay, I've searched the canner. That baby is impressive!!! Looks like it'll only hold 7 quarts but 19 pints. (Hope I got that right.) Wow. I do lots of pints so I guess that would be a good investment. $160 does sound like a good price if it's in good shape. Let us know if you get it!
He wrote back and said he's only used it for sterilzing tools. What kind of tools? I do not know? He said its alum to alum seal, no gaskets. Sound about right?

Hubby said I can have it!!! Our anniversary is on the 17th, and it is now going to be my gift!

Here's the pictures and listing he has up... should I negotiate the price?

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ummm... uh... and he needed sterile tools for? was he a vet? castrations? surgeries? a back lot gyno?
uh... I also don't know about the aluminum to aluminum seal. google it a bit. That just doesn't sound right, and if there is ever a scratch or nick in the aluminum, you won't keep pressure. and loading it with tools sounds ripe for nicks and scratches.
Why does he need a new one then?

I would spend that money on a new presto.

but, again, I am half cent-ed today.

oh, okay, I looked at the link. That is what they use in biology labs. Heavy.
I sat in my mother's back room at school watching the pressure needle work itself all the way past the red line to the gauge's end before I could get anyone to pay attention to me that we were all going to die...It never did blow up.
but hence my fear of pressure canners, they are only as safe as the scatterbrains running them...probably safer. I am still alive.
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I haven't gotten to use mine yet as I just got it last week but brand new my 21.5 quart cost $199 new. I have no experience using a pressure canner butI researched them before I got it and yes, its true there are no gaskets to replace on the all american. I think that price is way beyond fair but I can't say no to a little haggeling

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