What are you canning now?

I am not seeing this on your web site.... Where do I look to find pricing and shipping info?

I don't have it listed yet... but Friday everything is 15% off in my shop for black friday, so you may want to wait until then anyways. Check out after midnight with coupon code: BLAFRI15 to get your discount. I'll have everything up at midnight. It looks like its going to be $8.25 before discounts.
aplle vodka?? oooh Im NOT a vodka drinker but my hubbie is--got a recipe???

Missed this earlier... EASY!

I get Quart jars with lids, cut apples into quarter... seeds, skin and all!

Shove them tight into the quart jar and cover completely with vodka. Put on the lid and store in a cool dark place, I use the back of my pantry for this. After about 4 week (3 months is best) you have some awesome apple vodka. I filter mine through a jelly bag and then put them in fancy corked bottles. I do these for Christmas gifts each year. This year I only made peach vodka and lemonchello. Got too busy to make the rest. I think I only got 3 or 4 bottles of liquor out of it this time.

I'm bottling the peach vodka tonight because I am going to serve it with cranberries and seltzer water over ice tomorrow.

Here's how I bottled them:


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I am not seeing this on your web site.... Where do I look to find pricing and shipping info?

I don't have it listed yet... but Friday everything is 15% off in my shop for black friday, so you may want to wait until then anyways. Check out after midnight with coupon code: BLAFRI15 to get your discount. I'll have everything up at midnight. It looks like its going to be $8.25 before discounts.

Any idea how many ounces are in that bottle ? ? ?
I have that one. it is good piece of equipment so far.
Get the largest size if you are planning on putting a lot of things up. It takes a while for it to cool down and to get the next batch in, so the more room you have the quicker you can wrap it all up and go to bed. (you canners know what I am talking about.

That's the one I have also and have had no complaints so far.

If I'm remembering right the one that is the size smaller will do the same number of quarts but the 23 qt, model will let you "double deck" pints.

thanks guys looks like the one for me then
i went for the 16QT because today i made http://www.pickyourown.org/pickledcornrelish.htm
have a big stainless steel pot that is the same size as the 16 QT (that i found out today)
so i thought i want to have a play at canning, but the 16QT pot a have (to use as a hot water bath) it dont have a tray for the bottom.
It dose now! a pizza baking tray


so i set about making the pickled corn relish i did not want to make 9 pints so i used 1/5 of every thing it made 1 1/2 pints
i was hoping for 2 pints.
oh well half pint in the fridge to eat now (any one know how long it lasts once opened?)

i am really really really loving this canning
thanks guys

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Just a simple bragging post: Tonight we ate Homestead Stew for supper: Canned Deer Meat, canned potatoes, and canned green beans. All from this farm. WOW! First time eating canned deer...and we are fans! Hubby didn't think it would be any good and made me try it first...seriously taste like a roast that has been cooked in a crock pot. Plus I made the most perfect gravy to thicken the stew. ( I am not a gravy maker)

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