What are you canning now?

That's if you plant the bulblets. If you separate a large bulb and plant the cloves, you'll have nice size garlic next summer if you set it out after the first frost for your area.
Very true. And if he has small leaves from last year's crop, it's likely the bulblets that he has. No harm at all in letting them grow! If it freezes and dies, oh well, it wasn't worth having anyway. If it grows, fantastic.
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I plant it in different beds each year and would just like to have the size bulbs I see in the market. I don't fertilize with anything except chicken or horse manure. I can not get over how much garlic costs these days. Considering how easy it is to grow why anyone would pay for it. Good garden o' peas, it doesn't take much space and can be grown in with your flowers.
I've been doing the same. Even though I love garlic, I can grow enough to last me a year pretty easily. And it's great to grow among other things, helps keep the bugs away.
I started my garlic a few weeks ago & they're coming up already! Some are 6" tall. I purchased a Warm Winter combo pack from Gourmet Garlic at got about 6 different varieties. It'll be interesting to see the difference in taste next year.
I grow Elephant garlic. Only it doesn't get HUGE here. But I still prefer to grow it because each one is a perfect 5 cloves that are still larger than the normal supermarket garlic cloves. I don't have to pick over a jillion tiny cloves of garlic in the center of each head. Probably not thrifty to grow that kind but I like it.
LOL, I don't pay much attention to what kind I have. I have probably 50 plants scattered all over the yards and they pretty much all came from heads I'd bought and didn't get used before they sprouted. I just walk around and shove a clove in the ground wherever. If they grow, great, if not...well, they'll compost into the soil. Most all of the grew, though...I have lots around my roses to help keep aphids away.
I've been doing the same. Even though I love garlic, I can grow enough to last me a year pretty easily. And it's great to grow among other things, helps keep the bugs away.

What types of plants do you plant your garlic with? I seem to recall advice to do that, but wonder about disturbing the roots of other plants. Because I do raised beds the soil is not packed down and anything I pull comes up easily but with some soil too.
I just pull the cloves off and stick 'em in the ground with the root end down. Nothing fancy...just down to an inch or inch and a half, using my finger. They can be planted pretty much anywhere, actually. They're very good near roses and anything else aphids like, and also good near tomatoes. They really don't grow deep enough to have much effect on the roots of other plants, but I also don't plant them right under anything. I plant in a sort of semi circle about a foot out around the roses.
I planted a bunch of garlic cloves in with my grape vines in an attempt to help keep japanese beetles off them.
It worked pretty good this year. I only had to spray for them for about a week or 2 during the height of the season vs.
last year where I walked out on my deck and there was a black cloud of beetles! LOL
I planted a bunch of garlic cloves in with my grape vines in an attempt to help keep japanese beetles off them.
It worked pretty good this year. I only had to spray for them for about a week or 2 during the height of the season vs.
last year where I walked out on my deck and there was a black cloud of beetles! LOL

Do chickens eat beetles?

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