What are you canning now?

OMG. Where did the rest of my post go? I typed in why right before the WELCOME BACK.
It goes funky in the jar. (You're not talking pickling, right? I think you're talking full on waterbath/steam/pressure canning)
By funky I mean turns a really weird color in the jar and takes on the consistency of rubber worms. It can cloud whatever liquid you put in there.
And if that's not enough to put you off, it gets really potent and the flavor, not quite cabbage, not quite skunk, not quite dead body can overwhelm whatever you put in there with it. It's like cabbage gone foul.
Something in its brassica chemical make up does not like being abused in a canner.
People can sauerkraut all the time, is that different because it's fermented? myself I prefer the kraut alive. Just asking...
yes, it is different.
The cabbage for kraut is salted, pressed, and drained, brined and drained, and set and drained again and then only canned with fellow shards of cabbage.
I thought we were talking about using cabbage in things like canned soups and such.
Alone, it is kraut and while cabbagy, it has its own smell and taste and texture, which is different than that of cabbage.
If you ever grew up in farmland that puts up its own kraut for winter, and then opened a jar gone south in the spring.....you'd know cabbage doesn't always go well in the jar.

I don't know why it specifically not listed through FDA. Maybe it has a high rate of failure. Maybe it has inconsistent swings of PH, or maybe its nature just not bode well period.

Found this in- stocking up III by Carol Hupping
@WthrLady Thank you so much for the reply. I really do appreciate it.
Maybe I will try canning a pint jar or 2 of cabbage to try it. Just be really careful before eating it. Even better, can my soup and make sure to eat it within a couple of weeks. I can't eat a pot of soup be myself in a week, but it will make a good lunch to be eaten over 2 weeks.

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