What are you selling your eggs for per dozen?

Blue Ridge Hillbilly

In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 4, 2009
Western NC
I am going to have a lot of large brown farm raised eggs soon. I have no idea what people are paying for Large Brown eggs are selling for. I saw some this past spring selling for $4.00 at a state run farmers market. I don't think I can get that where I live. my eggs are farm raised, some free ranging and large run, good feed and fresh water with no hormones or medicated feed. I would like to hear what some of you are getting for a dozen large brown eggs. Thanks for your help.
I sell them for $4 a dozen. The farmer's market 1/2 mile from my house sells them for $6.
I sell them for $3.00/dozen. I sell them all, no one flinches at the price. At our store here, free-range organics are almost $4.00/doz so I am a little cheaper. Around here, $4.00/doz. would be over the top.
Organic cage free eggs go for over $4 at Walmart here..... BUT I don't sell mine for that. I sell them for $2 doz if I provide the carton, and $1.50 doz if the customer provides the carton. Usually people will give me loads of cartons. Mostly I sell to people at work or church. I don't go to a farmer's market or anything.
$3.50 a dozen and that pretty much just breaks me even after I figure feed, bedding, cartons, my little business cards....I suppose I could charge more but then I might be stuck with them....
Good picture. I am afraid mine will not look that pretty. I am going to use plain paper cartons. I have several people asking me for eggs but I have 24 hens so I am going to have to find some customers real soon.
I am down to only 10 layers and I just cant get enough eggs laid for all the requests! (so you know DH has been informed we will be adding more chickens in the spring and over next summer building a second coop....) LOL I love the term "chicken Math"
Love those clear cartons!!

I've been lucky so far and haven't had to buy any cartons. I have a few people that give me their empty cartons and ask people to return the ones I sell them the eggs in.

I sell my eggs for $3 a dozen for "large" eggs and $3 for 15 if they are "small" eggs. Grocery store free range / natural / organic are $3 to $5 per dozen depending on the type.

I'm in central Texas, just outside of Austin.



5 RIRs, 3 White Leghorns, and 1 very mean Lavender Guinea
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