I took some better Pictures. If anyone can help me figure out who is who I would appreciate it!

This is the list again
White Plymouth Rock, Speckled Sussex, Rhode Island Red, Partridge Plymouth Rock, Light Brahma, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Easter Egger, Dominique, Blue Orpington, Black Jersey Giant, Austra White, Appenzeller Spitzhauben

(Sorry Pics are blurry. I had flash on until it scared Light Brahma.)

Chick 9

Easter Egger

Austra White

Chick 8

Chick 7

Chick 6

Chick 5

Chick 4

Chick 3

Light Brama

Chick 2

Chick 1

More pics here https://www.backyardchickens.com/g/a/6719615/my-babies-4-days-old/
nope it is a mixed breed turkey..beltsville/rio hatched it myself it is the size of any chick full grown the beltsville only get 16-20 for toms , and 10-12 for hens rio's are small also.
countrygirl .. if I were to guess I would say 8 and 9 are looking a little Roo like combs are turning red but it is really hard to tell that young...your straight combs will show first either way. rose combs like SLW can be a little harder I have 14..the Roos have more silver penciling around the neck which shows about ..by 4 to 5 weeks you should be able to tell
could you get anymore cute then the regal look of a puff ball
Way too cute!!!!!!!!
I got my phone call about 7:30 this morning when I was almost to work, so I turned around and went back (I work in a different town than I get mail - live between two towns.)

All were alive when I got home. I haven't had a chance to count yet, but there are two that appeared a bit different than the others, so those might be extras - I know they often do send extras. (Original order was for 25 - 7 silkies, 6 easter egger bantams, 6 dominique bantams, and 6 buff orpington bantams. There might be one or two that appears a bit weaker and I saw a few curled toes I want to tape up this weekend.

Got a little drench into everyone then dipped their beaks in water. Got a few plates of fermented feed set out and the ones that were eating really seemed to like it. Gave three a bath that had a bit of pasty butt. Need to do a better check tonight when I get home from my ceremony I have to attend.

Ended up spending about 2 1/2 hours getting them situated. My temp was reading 95-96 last night under the edge of the light last night. However, I couldn't get a good read on it today due to all the chicks being in the way. I went ahead and lowered it some - plenty of room to get away if they get too hot. When I left there were some piled under the light, some snuggling with the feather boa on the side, some eating and drinking, and some just exploring. To me, this seems like the temp is probably okay - at least for now. I'll certainly be spending a lot of time with them tomorrow.

The photos aren't good because of the red light. I'll take some better ones this weekend.


I got them! About an hour ago. 3 Easter Eggers....2 Cuckoo Marans ...... 2 White Leghorns ...... 2 Barred Rock .... and the little golden one in the front of the last picture is my Mystery Chick. What do you think it is? Buff Orp? I have not idea. I just know that they are all healthy and very strong. Sleeping now I think.
I got my phone call about 7:30 this morning when I was almost to work, so I turned around and went back (I work in a different town than I get mail - live between two towns.)

All were alive when I got home. I haven't had a chance to count yet, but there are two that appeared a bit different than the others, so those might be extras - I know they often do send extras. (Original order was for 25 - 7 silkies, 6 easter egger bantams, 6 dominique bantams, and 6 buff orpington bantams. There might be one or two that appears a bit weaker and I saw a few curled toes I want to tape up this weekend.

Got a little drench into everyone then dipped their beaks in water. Got a few plates of fermented feed set out and the ones that were eating really seemed to like it. Gave three a bath that had a bit of pasty butt. Need to do a better check tonight when I get home from my ceremony I have to attend.

Ended up spending about 2 1/2 hours getting them situated. My temp was reading 95-96 last night under the edge of the light last night. However, I couldn't get a good read on it today due to all the chicks being in the way. I went ahead and lowered it some - plenty of room to get away if they get too hot. When I left there were some piled under the light, some snuggling with the feather boa on the side, some eating and drinking, and some just exploring. To me, this seems like the temp is probably okay - at least for now. I'll certainly be spending a lot of time with them tomorrow.

The photos aren't good because of the red light. I'll take some better ones this weekend.

I love Chick pictures. Looks like you got quite an assortment too!

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