I got them! About an hour ago. 3 Easter Eggers....2 Cuckoo Marans ...... 2 White Leghorns ...... 2 Barred Rock .... and the little golden one in the front of the last picture is my Mystery Chick. What do you think it is? Buff Orp? I have not idea. I just know that they are all healthy and very strong. Sleeping now I think.

All you can ask for is healthy and happy! It seems you have that now! Good luck, good looking bunch! What hatchery did you use?

My new ones:

All you can ask for is healthy and happy! It seems you have that now! Good luck, good looking bunch! What hatchery did you use?

My new ones:

I got them through Chickens for Backyards. I don't know if they are their own hatchery or not. Some say they are a middle man that goes through Cackle. I don't know. But I got them from Chickens for Backyards. If I have room in my coop I would like to eventually get two Cream Legbars. But I would have to go through "My Pet Chicken" for that breed. Or two "Blue Favacanas" or a combination of the two since I have to order three.
Well, DH called. One had passed away and two looked weak. I thought two looked weak when I left, so I am not surprised. I can't get home for a few hours, but when I do, if they are still alive, I'll see what I can do.
Well, DH called. One had passed away and two looked weak. I thought two looked weak when I left, so I am not surprised. I can't get home for a few hours, but when I do, if they are still alive, I'll see what I can do.

What happened? Are your chicks dying? I'm so sorry.

This little girl is Soooo skittish. She nearly ran off of the table before I could take the picture!

This little lady is very friendly and really curious. I'm in love.
I got them through Chickens for Backyards. I don't know if they are their own hatchery or not. Some say they are a middle man that goes through Cackle. I don't know. But I got them from Chickens for Backyards. If I have room in my coop I would like to eventually get two Cream Legbars. But I would have to go through "My Pet Chicken" for that breed. Or two "Blue Favacanas" or a combination of the two since I have to order three.

Blue anything is great! I like my Blue Swedish ducks! Yes I agree, as well as Efowl, My Pet Chicken is a middle man for Cackle. The prices are less expensive on Cackle's actual website typically but those two other sites offer chicks you can't get directly from Cackle. Nice picks! I like the exotics also.

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