what are you?

I'm a mutt..
Fathers side: English and Spanish (Spain)
Mothers side: French Canadian/Native American
But i have red hair and look Irish.. go figure..
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My mom's family has been here since 1725--Palatines settle in Hudson Valley. Two of the original settler's grandsons fought on opposite sides of the Revolutionary War as captains in their respective armies. My mom's mother and father were direct descendants--6th cousins--of those two brothers--mother on the British side, father on the American. So that side has an interesting family tree.

My grandfather on my Dad's side came over from Denmark, settled in MN and married a second generation German-American.
All four of my grandparents came to America from Italy.

My DH's family is German and Irish but his family has been in this country for many generations. I just found out that he had ancestors that fought on both sides in the Civil War and his great-great-grandfather was shot in the butt at the battle of Gettysburg.
my family has been here for a while i guess too, my parents were both born and raised here and my grandparents currently live here but not sure about how long, i think theyre whole lives, so i guess weve been here a while but apparently im mostly English and Irish (almost half and half, mostly english then irish i think) as well as German (1/8th), Dutch (1/8th), and Portugese (1/16th). im not exactly sure how much i am of each or for sure whos what and stuff but this is as bet i can figure, i was born in Tampa, Florida, moved up here (MA, south of boston near plymouth) when i was just turning 2, were (my bros and i as well as my parents) all born and raised in the usa so i guess you could say im a classic American mutt!

my dads side of the family has a very interesting history though, at least in my opinion. my paternal grandfathers (never knew him though, passed when my dad was 18) family were apparently whalers from Nantucket. Also, i am related to someone who was in the boston tea party, as well as the revolutionary war. we also looked it up (weve been looking up family history and stuff lately and have found some really interesting stuff, at least its really interesting at least to me) and theres this guy whos been doing research/studying the blank surname for like 15 yrs and we traced back to as far as we could from this site and found out William blank was here in 1625 and had 4 sons, William jr, Edward, Francis, and John, were related to john and at first i was sort of upset because i had been told by my dad and stuff that we were related to this guy in the tea party and i couldnt find him/how we were related on the site so i was sort of starting to think we werent related to him, although there are only so many blanks out there cause blank isnt exactly a common surname so we must all be related somehow, but i kept looking and found out that thomas is from a different son, were from john, i think hes from francis so we are related to him after all so i was happy. i also looked him up and i think he may have had a son with the same name so it can be sort of confusing at times but i found out he was a ship-joiner, he was a member of a lodge of free masons, was a member of some political activists group or something, was in the revolutionary war, was in the tea party, etc, he also knew and may have even been friends with, paul revere and sam and john adams as well as some other people because they were also a part of that (political) group which i think is pretty cool. i think its really cool that im related to this guy because although he obviously wasnt as famous or well known as some of these other guys like paul revere and the adams, but he still took part and certaintly contributed to this stuff, he was a maso and a rev. war captain so i think its cool, in case you cant tell, i kinda like history...
oh and sorry for the really long family history ramble, i just think its cool.

ETA: oh and obviously, in case you couldnt tell, blank is not my real last name, i just put that in instead of my real name since i figured i probably shouldnt share my real last name especially online and since im under 18. oh and i would give links to this site i found about this guy doing this study on my last name but i decided against it for the same reason(s) as above and i dont want to bore you with my family history/details... lol
, if you want i guess you could pm me for more info if you really wanted to know...
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thanks everyone for all the responses so far, its really interesting, keep em coming, lets keep this thread alive please! thanks
I am American.

My mother is full bred British and my dad was Irish.

My great grandmother came over here with her kids in the early 1900's, with her Welsh husband. My ancestry goes back to Increase Mather
back further to Pocohontas.

My great grandmother loved one thing about America more than anything else - Kentucky Bourbon. She swore it was much better at tea time with scones than any tea ever would be. At 10 years old she insisted I join her. Today, I HATE Bourbon.
I am a 4th generation american on both sides of my family tree. On the paternal side, immigrated from Italy to discover the American Dream and on the maternal side, immigrated from Hungary and Austria during the Hitler Days.

I am Italian, English and Dutch from my father, and German, French and Cherokee Indian from my mothers side. Kids and are all that plus Hawaiian and Japanese, grandkids are that plus Chinese. Talk about a melting pot!

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