What are Your Chickens Named?

I'm kind of a newbie and have only had 4 so far, which I got about 4 years ago. Someone gave them to me; lord knows where they came from. They look like they're BOs, but one was mostly white. I always said if I ever had a white hen I'd name her Camilla, after Gonzo the Great's girlfriend, who also seemed to be the Head Chick in her crew. So Camilla it was. I tried to name the other girls similar names -- sort of debutante-sounding, I guess. So the others were Lucinda, Costanza and Clarice. And as it happens, Camilla did turn out to be the Boss of our Girls.

Obviously chicken math hasn't caught up with me yet but we're down to just Costanza and Clarice now. So we're gearing up to get some more girls -- just setting up our quarantine coop!
Foghorn and Wiley the leghorn girls
Mary the Ameraucana
Lacey the silver laced Wyandotte
Reddly the RIR
Dusty Roo the silkie
Cinder the bantam Ameraucana
Snow the game hen
Hunny the game/silkie cross
Glory the leghorn/silkie cross
Aria the Araucana?
Daisy the Buff Orpington
Jazzey, Henney and Penney the jersey Giants
Ivy the blue Marans
Bloo the cream legbar
Gem the barred Plymouth Rock
We're new at this, so our chicks are about 4 weeks old. And of course, we had to name them so here goes:
1 Americauna named Princess Charlotte
1 Buff Orpington named Elizabeth
1 Rhode Island Red named Beatrice
1 Cuckoo Maran named Alliette (pretty name for a bird that looks like a turkey vulture!)

They are all characters!

Brownish Red Sex Link named Flossie, after my grandma.
White Rock name Snow, picked by my granddaughter.
Barred Rock named Priscilla, picked by my son.
Just lost our Americauna, Little Jolie, don't know what happened to her. She showed symptoms and died 12 hours later.
My BO girls are named Prissy, Beep- Beep, Bertie, Gertie, Itsy, Bitsy, Blondie and Cinderella. I also have 2 turkeys named Blue and Louise who share the yard. I do have a problem with Blondie. She has been broody for a month now, and since we have no roosters this is not going to come to fruition. She has lost weight, and she looks terrible. She is pale and cranky. I have removed her fro the nest and collected any eggs. She refuses to eat or drink the food and water I put near the laying box. I even tried to "fake her out" by slipping 2 baby chicks I bought under her. This was not successful. She nearly pecked them to death. Now I'm raising babies in the house again! I have tried to find some fertile eggs but the guy who promised to bring me some hasn't shown up and I am really worried about her. Anyone have any suggestions?
I have 6 chicks- 6 weeks old. This is my first adventure and it is such fun. I named my chicks:
Eeny and Meany- 2 Colombian rock cross
Miney and Moe- 2 Buff Orpingtons
Thelma and Louise- 2 Australorps
Charles is my rooster, and my 10 hens are Opal, Tansy, Chrissy, Cherié, Matilda, Louise, Cassandra, Cindy, Sally and Stacy.
All are very mixed breed.
My grandbabies named them...Zumba, Sweetie, Crystal, Olivia, and the last one because she is an Ameracanus---Betsy Ross of course!

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