What are your five favorite breeds and why

Gosh darn it only 5 breed!!! Hmm well recently we bought a surprise box from cackle hatchery full of beautiful breeds. I have gotten quite found of a lot of them. We have always raised RIRs. So here goes nothing.

1. My trusty RIRs ofc. They are friendly and spunky, with a bit of sassy. Amazing layers and very people friendly.

2. My lone silkie. So omg this silkie holds her own, she isn't aggressive but doesn't take crap when the others test her. She is such a furball of fun and she acts like my little guard dog when im outside.

3. Ameraucanas. So in this surprise we box we got two lavender ones. omg lucky for us its a mating pair so more babies!!! But their cute little fluffy cheeks. And long legs. These birds are amazing.

4. Polish. Ok so my babies are a bit whacky and loud at times but I love them all. I got 10 total, 6 which are cockerels. I am in love with the difference in all their personalities and colors.

5. My ducks!!! ok ok I know most of yall aren't duck fans but omg I am in love with mine. I have one beautiful silver Appleyard, one flashy welsh harliquinn and 3 chocolate muscoveys. I love the fact they are quick to be the first to greet me in the monrning with their harmonious noise.

so as you see those are my top 5 but man there are so many I love. cant wait till they are all of laying age to see what eggs we can have...
That's okay, I have way more than 5 favorite breeds too. It changes constantly too.

I like my muscovy too. It would be hard to pick if I really was limited to 5.
How do you like your Anconas? I was planning on getting some this spring.
They are pretty and productive birds. They are my best layers. They are good at foraging but don't wander too far. They run from me but aren't too hysterical and calm down immediately. They are working eye candy.
1. Silver Grey Dorking, friendly slow-moving gentle
2. Turkens, good layers friendly lots of character
3. Speckled sussex, beautful friendly good layers
4. Barred Rock, good layers good broody moms
5. Old English Bantams, friendly little buggers, comical to watch.
Another vote for bantam OEG, they are as popular as buff Orpingtons which I find interesting. I've only had one rooster once, and he was a goofy little guy.
I have been eyeballing the Favaucana. They sound like nice birds. You must get yours from MPC too.
Yes she originally came from MPC. We actually adopted her from a family in town that rehome her because she was too loud. Unfortunately we had a coyote get into the run and she had hidden.....I miss counted how many were in the coop in the dark......and you can guess the rest. I miss her funny personality and her lovely sage green eggs.

I plan on getting a couple of them come spring. I might throw in some mystery fancy chicks just for the fun to fill up the box. Pullets are always easy to sell here.....roosters can often be given away at the local feed stores if you have special breeds.
1. Welsummers - In first place because they have the whole package - Beautiful, unusual eggs, sweet, gentle personalities without being pushovers and/or stupid, you can sex most at hatching, they have a great ability to free range, beautiful, lustrous feathers, and mix well with other birds. Plus I like the little bit of "uncommon" they still carry, although I do believe they're growing steadily in popularity. This is *probably* the breed I will end up breeding/raising if I can find quality stock this coming year.
2. Penedesenca - I have had two roosters for about nine months, and just recently got my first 10 month old pullet. Dark, dark eggs, and the hen has been laying almost daily. They get along well with other chickens. The Crele variety is the most beautiful chicken I've encountered. They're awesome free rangers. They enjoy coming over for treats, and one of my roosters adores following me around the yard. Very uncommon bird, wit the most AMAZING carnation combs. If these guys were accepted by the APA and I could show them, they'd be in my number one spot.
3. Naked Necks. Quirky, unusual, perfect size. Reliable layers, and if you get the "right one" the friendliest chickens I've ever had. I've had a few nutjobs though, so I do think it depends.
4. Standard Cochins. The huge, friendly fluffiness.
5. Buckeye. I haven't owned any yet, but I am definitely getting some Buckeyes this Spring, and they seem amazing!
First off, I must say I have had every kind of chicken you can imagine, and then I have wanted and gotten all the most rare chickens, I have also chosen for egg color alone. I have liked alot of types of chickens and roosters, but at diff times. So I will list my 5 most favorite currently...
1. My avatar Greyslyn and her daughter Greyzelda, both light blue frizzes that lay gray eggs. Don't ask for eggs though, I don't have enough. (not big producers but fun to look at.) Their egg is at 3:00

2. I didn't think I would say this because at one point I would have thought they were boring, but because I have had so many diff types of bird, I like them for their egg laying and personality and that would be a barred rock.
3. I like my Lavender orpington hens, but I wish their feathers had more of a sheen to them and they laid bigger eggs, but they are young yet. ( I used to just choose blue chickens maybe I am just getting bored.)
4. I am enjoying my solid blue wyandottes. They don't bore me because they come in a dark blue and a light blue. And are friendly. They are fluffy.
5. If I had to pic a last group, I would say my Blue isbars, they lay a big blue egg, even though they are older.

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