What are your five favorite breeds and why

Like asking a chocoholic what their fav choc is:gig
I lov lov buff orps! Lav orps! Any orpington! Because they lov you back, so docile and inquisitive and I giggle everytime I see them run. Although all chickens have that effect on me. :)

Gotta love the Wyandotte! All the beautiful laced ones especially!
Next are the barred rocks.
I lov the blk n white pattern and they are so vocal, giving me good conversation when no one else will!!

I get hugs from my new Hampshire reds sooo that's a big winner I my book!

I could go on and on like most all chicken lovers but I'll stop here!
Fun idea once again oldhenlikesdogs! :celebrate
Like asking a chocoholic what their fav choc is:gig
I lov lov buff orps! Lav orps! Any orpington! Because they lov you back, so docile and inquisitive and I giggle everytime I see them run. Although all chickens have that effect on me. :)

Gotta love the Wyandotte! All the beautiful laced ones especially!
Next are the barred rocks.
I lov the blk n white pattern and they are so vocal, giving me good conversation when no one else will!!

I get hugs from my new Hampshire reds sooo that's a big winner I my book!

I could go on and on like most all chicken lovers but I'll stop here!
Fun idea once again oldhenlikesdogs! :celebrate
Thank you. I love Orpingtons too, and their big fluffy butts. :)
There are so many chicken breeds it’s hard just to pick 5! But, if I had to pick 5:
1. Cochins because they are so big and fluffy, friendly and huggable.
2. Silkies, I mean who doesn’t like silkies? They’re living fuzz balls!
3. Wyandotte, they’re so gentle and friendly, not to mention absolutely beautiful!
4. Seramas, they’re tiny, beautiful, very friendly and adorable!
5. Australorps, because they’re sweet, friendly, bossy and great egg layers.
Everything is cute as a baby, even snake chickens. :lau
Yeah like these ones!
I've only had 5 breeds of chickens so...
1. Buff Orpingtons, because she makes me laugh! And, she is so sweet and I love listening to her purr on the roost. Also, she has such a gorgeous fluffy butt!
2. New Hampshire, because she is beautiful and such a great layer!
3. Wyandottes, mine are gentle and almost affectionate and I think their feathers are gorgeous!
4. Barred Rocks because they are so funny and I think they are beautiful birds.
4. My 6 year old white Americauna because she lays such big beautiful blue eggs every other day, faithfully! She is a survivor, having outlived two other of my neighbor's 30-bird flocks. She came to live with us because their new dog would terrorize her.
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I've only had 5 breeds of chickens so...
1. Buff Orpingtons, because they make me laugh! And, they are sweet and I love listening to her purr on the roost. Also, they have such fluffy butts!
2. New Hampshire, because she is beautiful and such a great layer!
3. Wyandottes, mine are gentle and almost affectionate and I think their feathers are gorgeous!
4. Barred Rocks because they are so funny and I think they are beautiful birds.
4. My 6 year old white Americauna because she lays such big beautiful blue eggs every other day, faithfully! She is a survivor, having outlived two other of my neighbor's 30-bird flocks. She came to live with us because their new dog would terrorize her.
That's a nice flock. :) I miss getting blue eggs.
It is funny though, I have an EE, and some darker Wyandottes I thought early on I was just going to sell, because I was not as impressed with the colors. The EE was always skidish as well. but now she is friendly and goes down for me, and the dark wyandottes also go down and I am glad I didn't sell them now, they are so tame! Don't rush to judge, or cull....
It is funny though, I have an EE, and some darker Wyandottes I thought early on I was just going to sell, because I was not as impressed with the colors. The EE was always skidish as well. but now she is friendly and goes down for me, and the dark wyandottes also go down and I am glad I didn't sell them now, they are so tame! Don't rush to judge, or cull....
It took my polish 4 years and a haircut to calm down into curious birds. I try not to judge anything teenager, they always change.
WOW! Some neat sounding birds listed here. Many of them I had to look up, and now want. All in due time.

1. Easter Eggers. Hilarious, chatty and invasive sorts. Curious and will walk right into the house to check the cat bowls if the door is left open. Regularly check the windows to see what is happening in "the big coop". Feather color and egg variety is a plus. I love the hawkish face, pea comb and neck feather swoops. I think they're more gorgeous than Ameracaunas.
2. Bantam Cochins. The ultimate zombie apocalypse bird. Nuclear fallout? Pretty sure that those little dudes will be ruling the earth and spreading like wildfire. Plus, they wear Culottes. I also like that they tend to stick around closer to home and don't wander far. This works well if you free range, like myself.
3. Brahma. The Buddha of all chickens. So sweet and gentle despite their enormous size. Wonderful personality.
4. Welsummers. I only have one and I don't like her. She is skittish and the stupidest chicken known to mankind. That being said, she is gorgeous and lays extremely well despite her old age. She is a very hardy bird.
5. Buff Orps. Never had any of my own, but all those I've been around are really nice birds. Definitely at the top of my "want" list.
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