What are your opinions on free ranging?

What is your opinion on free ranging?

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Count yourself lucky ! Predators always hunt where they've made a kill or they'd starve.
I've killed predators in the past. My loss occurred after my dogs passed away, I never lost anything when I had them. I have a basset hound who is very on it now, eager to prove himself and keep all his animals safe.
I've killed predators in the past. My loss occurred after my dogs passed away, I never lost anything when I had them. I have a basset hound who is very on it now, eager to prove himself and keep all his animals safe.
I have a Basset too and he does a great job alerting me to predators!He loves the chickens!
My chickens are confined to their run 80-90% of the time. We have close neighbors, dogs, wild predators (especially hawks) and the chickens are close pets.

This year, I'm starting fresh with a new flock. I want to free range more often, especially in the cool evenings when I'm sitting outside. Hopefully this summer the "run time" will be lowered to 70%. :)
Hello everyone! I was wondering what everyone’s opinions on free ranging nowadays are? There was a time where there was no other way of raising chickens, but I know that has changed. Especially during the midst of avian influenza. So what are your opinions?

Personally, I am all for free ranging, and can’t imagine raising a flock any other way. I believe my flock would pick a short happy life of freedom, versus a long life of enclosure. But this is just my personal opinion! So I was curious of what you guys thought!

Thanks for everyone that takes my poll!
I would love to be able to free range but I would just be feeding all the predators like hawks, coyotes, owls, stray dogs, just stuff like that so the stay in their run and stay safe.
Personally, I am all for free ranging, and can’t imagine raising a flock any other way. I believe my flock would pick a short happy life of freedom, versus a long life of enclosure.

Depends on where you live. Free ranging chickens in my area have a life expectancy of less than one summer. But I live on a lake and we have hawks and Bald Eagles overhead all the time. I keep my hens in a 12X36 foot chicken run that has bird netting on top of it. I don't think they suffer at all.

Would I prefer to let my chickens free range? Yes. But knowing the risks of a very, very short free range life for them, I keep them safe in a covered run and have not had any losses due to predators in over 3 years.

Also, I bring the free range to them. I dump all my grass clippings and leaves in the chicken run. They spend all day foraging through the chicken run litter eating bugs and worms.

Where I live, people who let their chickens free range are known as former chicken owners.
Free ranging chickens sounds good in theory but, absolutely not practical here.
We are on a farm but still close to busy state highway, Then there is the predators coyotes, foxes, raccoons, several kinds of hawks and owls, minks, weasels, bobcats, skunks, possums. Chickens wouldn’t last long here unless in a secure area.
We live on a small lot backed up against the woods underneath a canopy of trees beside a state highway with thousands of acres of uninhabited land behind us( itall belongs to the gov of the state) I feel your pain lol
I would prefer to let them free range, but pretty much every chicken predator you can think of lives on my property. I wouldn't have chickens long if I let them free range.

I compromise by giving them a fenced and covered yard that is about 700 sq ft. Soon, that will be 1600 sq ft. It's the best I can do here
I've started making another chicken run on my brothers property next door so my chickens have more room(I only have 6) My brother has a couple parrots & loves my chickens!

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