What book should I get.....


Redneck Tech Girl
9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
Help me!

I'm a member of paperbackswap.com, and for a while, my swap books have been sitting sadly on the shelf. Until yesterday. I have three credits now, which means I can pick three free books to have sent to me.

However, I'm stuck. I don't know what I want to get. Figured there are a lot of readers on here, maybe someone likes what I like, and has some suggestions.....
Pretty much the possibilities are endless of what I can get, as long as someone else in the country has the book listed (and there's currently almost 5 million books listed right now).

Some of my favorites are:
Atlas Shrugged
The Dark Tower Series (I have all of them already)
War and Peace
Les Miserables
Jack London Collection
Years of Rice and Salt
John Steinbeck

Dean Koontz and Nora Roberts are fav authors for a good quick read, but I'd like to use my credits for more of a "meaty" book that I normally wouldn't pick up for a quarter at a garage sale.

Only caveat is I hate Dickens
Try the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich for something sort of Nora Roberts like.
In the Sci-fi/fantasy world you might try some Mercedes Lackey or Sharon Shinn. I enjoy both.

Stephanie Plum is hilarious - you will find yourself laughing out loud instead of in your head as with most books.

Anything by Steinbeck is good - but you usually need to disect for true meaning

james Rollins - very good for historical adventure

Harlan Corbin - good mysteries with interesting characters
Any of the Clive Cussler novels are a good read. They are very meaty. Dirk Pitt, the main character, is a cross between indiana jones and james bond.
Classic Type Stuff...

I'm ignoring your last comment.

Les Mis was absolutely wonderful... it did get me pretty worked up at times, but I consider any book that gets a response a good one. With Evanovich I laugh, with Les Mis it's anger, sad, some happy...

Steinbeck... Of Mice, Grapes, and Red Pony were all great but it's been years... hmm I should reread those come to think of it.

Light Reading...

I'll 2nd Evanovich... freakin' hilarious. Granny Disaster got that chicken in the gumpy and now mom is tippling.

I also love a good Sandra Brown, she's got a knack for putting you in the scene.

DH is getting Atlas Shrugged for Christmas... he's loving the Ayn book he's reading now... but then he IS a Phil major.

Speaking of DH...

DH got me to read Neil Gaiman's book, American Gods... LOVED IT, and was first in line to read the second, Anansi Boys. Fantasy, weird random history/mythology, adventure-y.... if you just want something random you've never heard of before.

DH also got me reading Wheel of Time, but the series isn't done, last bit expected in a bit over a year, AND you CAN absolutely check half price, dollar general, family dollar, etc for bargains. Kinda sad to me, but at the same time awesome for someone looking to get them. Also fantasy, magic and epic battle between good and evil... all that jazz. Well worth the read IMO, but it's a LONG read... fair warning.
You need something light hearted. James Herriot should be required reading for everyone who even looks at animals if youve never read it. Love the stephanie plum books, sometimes the language is a bit harsh though (for me). My signature indicates how much I love the narnia series.. my childhood favorite. I can't not recommend Francine Rivers... amazing...amazing...amazing. Her Mark of the Lion trilogy is my favorite. If you don't know WHO she writes for, you will after you read her. Ill chime in again if something else comes to mind...im sure youre waiting with bated breath
Hey! Whats your paperbackswap name?? I'll order a book or so from you...
I have a few credits just sitting in my acct needing to be used..
I belong to bookswap also. It is so neat. I have a wish list of chicken books (along with others of course). I also have a bunch of books that have not been taken yet.
And more to put on if I could stay off this site for a while.

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