What breed and gender is this chick?


6 Years
Jan 26, 2015
The chick is either a Rhode Island Red, Buff Orphington, or an Americauna. What do you think?

It is 5 weeks old. Is it male or female?


It is an Easter Egger (frequently sold as Ameraucana/Americana) , and although the pictures are quite dark, I am 85% certain that it is a cockerel. A well lighted profile shot would help with the gender guess.
I hold firm on the breed, but am not so certain that it is a cockerel. Don't be getting rid of it in a hurry.
That is good news because it is my children's favorite 'Big Fat Chick' and I was really hoping there was a chance it was a female. We will keep our fingers crossed. :)
I'd say pullet, but I took a closer look at the feathers upon the neck and they look oily/thin-like such as a cockerel's, and in the first image, you can see them on the base of the wings. It also looks like he's getting a saddle.
A beauty though
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Definitely an Easter Egger cockerel, sorry. :(

The friendliest chicks, that you get the most attached to, are often times the males unfortunately. Same is true with calves and goat kids. :/
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Definitely an Easter Egger cockerel, sorry.

The friendliest chicks, that you get the most attached to, are often times the males unfortunately. Same is true with calves and goat kids.
Agreed! Cockerels seem to act more friendly/willing to be held at young ages or as adults. I handle my chickens a lot, so that's probably something I'd notice.

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